Chapter 3: First encounter (Part II)

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Alexander's POV

*Surrounded by fire in the woods,i see my mother struggling, i try to rush and save her but my feet cannot move, i'm glued to the ground and helpless. I see something. An angel? A girl.. a young woman in white with long golden locks and pure ocean blue eyes. She walks through the fire as if it was nothing and stands inches away from me. " I will help you" she whispers to me with a smile. Just when i was about to return her smile, she gets stabbed from the back right before me. " No, Noo, NOOOOO" and then we all get wrapped up in the fire*

I wake up in cold sweat from the same old nightmare with Edgar leaning on my nightstand, shaking his head with an obvious smirk on his face.

"You disappoint me brother" 

"Do you have a deathwish?"

"Easy Alex, i'm just messing around. You're still having those nightmares?"

"That one nightmare you mean"

"Well just avoid entering the woods and you shall be fine"

"Very helpful, as always"

"Well i suggest you get up and put something on quickly. Father is waiting for you, he wants to talk to you"

"I swear to god if it's about that damned arranged marriage again, i'm going to cut you open"

"Father has given up on that a long time ago. It must be about The Northlands. Apparently, there is a spy here sent by their Lord to inquire on The Southlands' news"

"And what would father want from me?"

"Why don't you go ask him yourself"

"Don't you dare talk to me like that"

"Sir yes sir" 

I get up to kick my foolish younger brother out of the room to wear my usual all black suit/armor and run down the stairs to check on Father. He must be in his room, pacing again. I knock and hear him allowing me to get in.

"Morning Father. I've heard you had something to talk to me about"

"I'm going to need you to head to The Northlands and see if you can find out anything about that wretched spy. How dare he take us for fools! How dare he think himself smarter than all of us! I shall have him killed the moment i.."

I cut him off grabbing his arms, trying to bring some sense into him.

"Father, calm down. I will find him. I promise. Do not worry yourself and just take care of your health. Deal?"

"What can i say... Just find him and bring him to me." He said with a softer voice

"Fine father. Understood. And i will make sure to bring back some chamomile for you. Your nerves just keep getting worse by the day"  I said with a chuckle, turned back and left the room with a rather serious face. Somebody wants to meddle with our matters and they will pay for it.

I make my way to the stables and there i spot young Irwin playing with the houses's guard dog.

"Little boy! Fetch me my horse"

He looks at me with a terrified face, puts his hands behind his back and manages to say a bunch of words. "Ye.. Ye.. Yes ma.. my Lord" and he runs to the stables with a pale face as if the grimreaper was before him.

I love a good reaction.

He comes out with my horse ready for me to ride. 

"Keep an eye on the dog for me young Irwin, Would you?" He says nothing as if he was struck by lightning and just nods in approval. I let out a small chuckle, hop on the horse and stride north. "I knew this was a bad morning"

It takes me a while to get to the entering fields. Breathtaking views. I see why father has always wanted to own these lands. From afar i could spot a never ending white flower field with a golden dot. I'm intrigued so i move towards it and stop the horse when i got close enough to watch. No mountains, rivers or forests could measure up to the view that was now in front of me. A magical creature in a lavender dress picking flowers as if they were glass and putting them carefully in her little white pouch. She stands up and turns around. She looks familiar. Oddly familiar. I quickly hide behind a tree, scared that she might notice my presence and run away. 

I follow her carefully to the woods. "I hate the woods, why i m even doing this? what is the matter with me?". She is looking for some wood. "She shouldn't be here alone, it's too dangerous... Wait, why m i worried about her?". I lose focus while admiring her beauty and lose with it control over the horse as a small rabbit passes it by. The beast starts running aimlessly and i see myself getting closer and closer to her. She is in danger. I try with all my might to pull on the reins until i cut my palms and just when i was about to hit her, she turns around and i see her horrified face as the horse rears over her head, leaving her on the ground shaking.

I get off my horse as quickly as i can and run to check if everything is alright. Chamomile flowers were spread all over her dress with a shaking arm covering her beautiful face. I finally manage to say something. "Miss? Are you okay?".

She looks at me now with her big ocean blue eyes that just made my heart skip a beat. She just kept staring at me with eyes wide open. I held out my hand to her and she took it. I help her stand up but she seems to lose balance and she ends up in my arms with my hand on her waist. She is truly an enchanting creature. I remember now. She is the angel in white from my nightmare. I smile at the realization but she seems to misunderstand it for something else and ends up pushing me away. I already miss her being close to me.

She starts collecting her flowers while struggling with her leg. She is injured and she needs immediate tending. I offer help but she doesn't even look me in the eyes. We start arguing about it and somehow i end up losing control and carrying her on my shoulder towards my horse. I put her on the horse and just when i was about to hop on it, i notice her ripped pouch still on the ground, i quickly pick it up and shove it in my pocket without her noticing. I hop on the horse, she is lying on my chest now with her hair that smells like a field of roses and with her arms around my neck, i smile to myself and pull on the reins, galloping out of the woods.

"This wasn't a bad day after all"

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