One and only part

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  You think I don't notice the sudden mood change? Or when your eyes change a tint or color?
  What you don't realize is that when I fell for you I fell hard, head over heals hard. The hard that if someone slapped me to get my attention I would still stare at you. As your my life saver, my oxygen supply, my godsend.
  But you never saw that in me. You would beat me down till I had no breath and I would rely on you because your my air. You would kick me till I needed to be saved. After you were done you would hold me and comfort me. Waking up to blue and purple bruises  like the sun setting.
  You acted like it was okay, that your pain would go away by hitting me. You acted as if when it was all said and done you were the one that needed comforting and cared for.
  You would walk in popping your already batters knuckles. I tightly closed my eyes as the first blow came. And the second and third and forth and fifth. You were never satisfied, you would hit until I passed out.
  Going to the hospital with broken bones and skin bruised. Doctors would ask what happens and I would merely say "oh...I fell".
  Want to know the most saddest part?
  I still love you with this little weak part of my heart that's starting to break like the rest.

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