School was about to close in my region but it was already close in jasmine's own. On her last day of school I was home from a funeral and I decided to text her to she what she was up to. That night I messaged jasmine (it was day for jasmine she wasnin school) and the two of use texted each other for over three hours (she was doin nothing in school) we talked about all sorts of things even a story jasmine had written titled AN ONLINE THING.......... BECAME REALITY she was so shore that her work was nonsense but after I read it i texted her to tell about how i love her work and how she should finish the story and publish it. After a few days with limited contact I was then added into a group that was named royal family.
This group was a great group although most of the time I knows nothing they normally be talking about but still u just sit and look at the messages. And then as usual because we're all on different time lines normally when am all awake am bored because they all will go to sleep and I has no one to talk to so I jus do the same sometime although it day for me I sleep. And on other days when am asleep they'll be pinging up my phone with 100+ messages from the chat normally so much that I doesn't even bother go back to see the first one. More or less I sometime just ignore the messages because I know when night go to look at them is lije a whole different world I have no idea about that's goin on in the chat so more or less I jus ignore.
Facebook Made Us Friend
Short StoryThis story is about two random people on opposite side of the world who became friend through social midea and they developed such a great friendship that a day didn't pass by without them texting each other.