one - the airport

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It was 6 am on a Saturday morning when my best friend Addilyn arrived at my door and started knocking like a maniac. After being woken up, I quickly jumped out of my bed and ran downstairs to open the front door. As soon as I did this, Addilyn ran inside jumping up and down screaming "Finn is at the airport! Finn is at the airport!" over and over again. I lived only fifteen minutes away from the airport he was at and I already knew she was going to ask me to go there with her but I still begged her not to ask me to go. "Addy, I'm super excited for you but it's six o'clock in the morning, on a Saturday, and I would appreciate it if you could kindly let me go back to bed." I finished off my sentence with a kind smile and turned around on my heels to make my way back up the stairs, only to have Addy grab my arm and pull me back. "Um, Kaia? Finn is at the airport in case I didn't make myself clear. The Finn Wolfhard at the airport you only live minutes away from. You have to come with me. Who knows, you might even like him!" I gave Addy a long stare instead of arguing back. "C'mon Kaia. Pleeeeease! Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I let out a large sigh of relief, finally agreeing with her. "Okay fine." Her eyes suddenly widened, she ran up to me and gave me a big hug. "Yay! Thank you! We have to get going now though so hurry up and chuck on some decent clothes, lazy." Decent clothes? What is she talking about? These pajamas are perfectly fine. "Go!" She yelled once again which sort of scared me, so I quickly turned around, ran upstairs, and got dressed in the first thing I saw. (outfit above)

I walked downstairs once I finished getting ready when I remembered, "Addy, how are we going to get there?" She looked at me like I was an idiot. "Um, walk? How else would we get there?" I looked down at my shoes and groaned. "They look amazing. Suck it up and let's go, Kai!" I rolled my eyes at her, grabbed my house keys, and then we were running down the road like idiots on our way to the airport to greet Finn Wolfhard.

We finally arrived at the airport after about ten minutes of running, my complaining, and Addy getting angry at me every five seconds. "Where is he?!" Addy yelled, frantically running around the airport entrance. "Maybe where the herd of screaming boys and girls are? I don't know though, just a guess." I replied back shrugging my shoulders at her. "Oh shut up, let's go!" I didn't want to follow her into the flaming pit of fans, and I didn't have any interest in seeing Finn, so I just grabbed a chair and pulled out my phone. "What are you doing?" Addy asked me when she noticed I wasn't following her. "I'm waiting here, I don't care about him. He's just another normal human to me." I replied back. She rolled her eyes at me and said "Whatever." before running off to see him.

I waited there for about five minutes before the screaming started to die down a little. I noticed that majority of the fans had left, which meant that Finn had probably left. Probably. That was what I thought until someone pulled at the chair next to me and asked "Is anyone using this seat? Do you mind if I sit down?" I looked up to see who this voice was coming from, and to my surprise it was him. Finn Wolfhard. If only Addy was here right now. "Oh no, no one's using it. Go ahead dude." I replied, getting a smile in response. "Thanks, I'm so tired. All the travelling and fans really drains you. Don't get me wrong, I love it. It just gets so tiring." He quickly babbled out. "I would say yeah and agree with you, but I have no idea how that feels. I'm glad I could give you a place to rest your butt though." I replied, giving him a slight smile. My thoughts on him hadn't changed, he was just another normal human to me still. "Thanks." He giggled in response. "So uh, how come none of your fans are surrounding you?" I asked. "Security." He quickly answered, I nodded my head in response.

"Hey, I didn't catch your name. What was it?" Finn said to me, nudging my hand. "I didn't throw it." I replied. "Very funny." He said, rolling his eyes at me while slightly laughing. "It's Kaia." I answered his question, giving him a small smile. "Well Kaia, I'm Finn. Nice to meet you."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2017 ⏰

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