Next day
Loren POV
I wake up and my hair is wet and at first I had no clue why just happened last nite and y my hair is wet but then I wake up to a wet/kinda dry Taylor then I remembered that we well I should say Taylor and the guys threw us into the pool and we started to fight then it when to a make out section. "Yo Taylor wake your wet ass up!!!" "Five more minutes mom!!" "Ok two things: 1) I am not your mom and 2) wake up or no more making out with me, sleeping with me and I will have to wake U UP EVERY MORNING WITH ME DUMPING ICE COOLED WATER ON YOUR HEAD!!!!! NOW MOVE!" "We'll someone is grumpy today now are we??" "Well guess what." "What?" "We only have 40 minutes to get ready for the meet and greet and we have to meet Nash, Bart, and some surprise Bart said he had for us downstairs in the lobby. We are having brunch." "Uuuuggghh!!! That's sooo much work!! Do I have to mommy?" "Hahaha. Very funny. Lets get a move on now." "Uighur. Can you take a shower with me? Pleeeeaaassseee!!!!" "Maybe another time we have to go." "But it will go fast and we will be saving water." "Just go et your nasty ass in the shower Tay. But maybe to night though." "Yay! I'll be out in 5!" "Kk"
I was walking out my room when I tackled someone. It was someone I was not expecting...Wilson. "Oops. Sorry Wilson." "It's ok." I was going to walk away but..."Hey- Loren?" "Hey-Wilson?" "Huh funny...I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime?" "Aaawww that's sweet but I have boyfriend. Sorry." "Who? Nash?" "Nope-Taylor. He asked me out a few days ago." "Oh. Well uh-" my ringtone started to play. "Sorry Will...I got take this. Hello?" It was Brent Rivera.
B: heyyyyyy what r u doing right now?
L: well I was going to get into the shower after Tay is done and go downstairs to have brunch with the guys and gals and Bart and his "new surprise"
B: well what ever this new surprise is I bet it's going to be great. Loren you love everything and everybody.
L: I am guessing you have not seen me for that long. I get very mad easily and I hate it when people are just shy and never out going. And I hate it when people just ignore me I can't stand it I go on a rage. I almost ripped Callie's head when she ignored me for that whole week.
B: well your awesome, sweet, kind, funny, beautiful, pretty, out going, your ex-
L: I get it I am likable; I just wish I could see you. I miss you. U r like a brother to me. I love bro.
B: and u r like my sister. I love ya sis. Well I got to go. I bet Tay is out of the shower by now. Right?
L: ya. Well face time me Skype me snap chat me love ya bro!!! Bye
B: lates SISTA!!
When I turned around Will was gone. Well I would not blame him I would have left I was on the phone for 25 minutes and I would have just jumped out of the window or something cuz I would be ignored and I can't stand be ignored. I walked back into the room and Taylor was spred out on MY bed sleeping. I just laughed at him and went to go to enjoy my shower.
~~~10 minutes later~~~ I walk out of the bathroom with my hair my make up (not much) and my close on. Tay is still sleeping and it was 11:35 so I'll let Tay sleep till 11:45 and make sure the others are up cuz I am the mother of the group. I text all of them in the group chat we made and told them to meet me in our (Me and Tay's) room and we will walk down together.
~~~~7minutes later~~~~
It is now 11:42 and I think I should wake up Taylor cuz now the boys r just acting stupid now more than usual and the gal's are just in the bathroom making sure they look perfect 💁. "Taylor...Tay...TAYLOR CANIFF!!!" I screamed so loud the boys covered there ears and Taylor fell off the bed. I was cracking up laughing with everyone else in be room."You ok Caniff?" Carter asks. "Ya I feel just peachy." (Note the sarcasm) "Sorry babe. I did not know I had your loud mouth." "See why we are dating we r sooo much alike." "Your weird and it is 11:50 we should get down there...Come one girls...GET OUT OF MY BATHROOM!!" "Ok ok." "We're coming." "Gosh."
In the lobby
When we walk down to the lobby I was so excited to see what our surprise is of was of whatever correct crammed we or I or I don't care I am just all excited. I love surprises. "Ok Bart I can't hold it I can't hold it in any longer what is our prize or surprise I don't care let me see it!" I said that all in one breath cuz I was soooo excited. Eeeeeskkkk!! "Well it should be coming through those 3...2...1...0!!" And when I saw who was coming through those doors I was like no way. I was not prepared for that. 🙈🙉🙊
Love Struck (magcon boys fan fic.)
Fanfiction“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.” ― William Shakespeare