5: The Team

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As Nya carried on down the road she saw her brother Kai with Zane heading towards the Dojo. A little further along Jay was rounding the corner. 'Jay'. She felt lighter on her feet just for seeing him. She picked up her pace.

'Where you off to sis?' Kai asked. 'We have practice'. She waved to them as she passed, and then slowed up for Jay. She tucked Coles' rose into the hair band that was holding her sharp bob back in a non-existent ponytail and stopped. Their hands automatically found each other and she gave a nervous shuffle as she settled in front of him.

'No training today?' asked Jay all brightness and anticipation.

'Ah, well no, I mean, yes there is. I'm going for a warm up jog. That crazy cup-cake Cole, was ruining my Zen.'

'You want me to come with?' said Jay.

'No, no. I'm happy. It's fine.' She swept the issue aside and leant into him, lingering, before a light kiss. 'You, Jay Walker, are very distracting also. I think I should carry on alone'. He pulled back until just their fingertips touched. They broke apart and she turned and carried on her way.

She looked back, a cursory glance just to tease him. She loved that she could wrap Jay up in anxious little knots. There's nothing this girl liked more than seeing how she could manipulate a response by just being in the same space. In Jay she could feel the electricity when she walked in the room. She felt how easily she could arouse him and how embarrassed, shy or coy he could become. It made her day exciting and filled her with anticipation as to what might happen when. How could she not love it? Jay showered her with pure adulation.

She saw him linger, his hands in his floppy hair, looking suitably goofy. She loved him, she really did. 'I'll see you later' she thought to herself, thinking not at all about the training.

As Jay watched her lightly jog away, he drew in a breath and pushed his fingers through his hair. He stood there for a moment, hands locked on top of his head, hair scraped off his face. That little backwards glance... He exhaled and slapped himself on the cheek. ' Cold shower dude' he chuckled and turned to catch up with his friends.

He could see Zane and Kai further along the street. Kai leant against a lamppost, looking the epitome of cool. Jay knew from experience that something would be simmering behind his chilled countenance. Kai was incredibly wary of Jay and Nya's relationship. He viewed it with suspicion and took the role of both intimidating big brother and overprotective father very seriously.

'Hey man, high five! Jay held up his palm to an unimpressed Kai. 'Rockin' that matronly, sourpuss persona, dude!'

Kai returned a very lacklustre high five and simply said 'Watch it Walker'. He pushed his lean slim frame off the lamppost and the group started their slow amble on towards the Dojo.

Whatever this thing was that Nya and Jay had going, he didn't like it. Yes he was hot headed and possibly over-protective, but it was something more he felt about the two of them. A distraction from the team? An incompatibility? Either could be a potential problem. He knew all about being on the wrong side of Nya and worried equally for Jay if Nya dumped him. He knew full well how people acted when they thought they were in love and even worse, when they definitely knew that they weren't. They may as well just throw the toaster in the bath and get it over with, because this was not going to end well.

'Hi guys'. Lloyd bounced up to them. 'So, finally driven Nya away then Jay? I knew it couldn't last'.

Kai interjected 'My thoughts exactly' as Jay clipped Lloyd over the head.

Zane chimed in 'I think your worries are unfounded Lloyd, they looked quite in love just before'

'Whoa! Hold up Ram Rod, what's with the L word?' Kai blustered.

Jay blushed, giggled and coughed. 'A heh heh, Hrumph'. Zane could read them all like a book and Jay's pages were open and flapping in the wind for all to see.

'So you would rather Jay was not in Love with Nya and just be using her for...'

'HOLD THE PHONE! LA LA LA' Lloyd slapped his hand over Zane's mouth. 'I don't think that's what Kai was saying Zane'.

Kai was looking at Jay through half closed eyes.

Jay felt a little like a prime steak about to go on the BBQ. 'Heh heh' he attempted a week laugh.

'Oooh-kay' said Lloyd, not so unsubtly sweeping the two along the path. 'Lets pick this up in training, shall we?'

Kai looked eerily happy, a wicked smile on his face. 'Great idea. Jay, you and me sparring first, Ok?'

Jay groaned and looked to the heavens 'I don't deserve this!'

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