A what?

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Y/N pov

Its been a month since Jeremy ditched us for. Oh what was it called, a quick? No, a squick? No not that that either A SQUIP! Yea that's it.

I was currently sitting on a beanbag chair with Michael in his basement playing Mario kart.

"YOU CHEATER" I screamed as he pushed me making me lose control and knocking me to last place.

"Its not called cheating sweetheart its called winning" he said giving me a goofy grin and sticking his tounge out.

"Well in that case" I said smirking "ITS CALLED WINNING" I yelled jumping onto him making him throw his controller across the room.

"FIRST PLACE BABY!" I screamed doing a victory dance while Michael sat there shocked.

"NO FAIR YOU CHEATED L/N!" he said laughing

I bent down to his level seeing as he was still on the beanbag chair

"its called winning not cheating sweetheart" I said giving him the same cocky smile he gave me.

He smiled at me before grabbing my arm and pulling me down onto him.

"GAH, MIKEY WHAT THE HELL" I yelled laughing hitting him playfully as he refused to let me go

I gave up fighting and just went limp in his arms.

"You know what l/n i think IM the real winner here" he said looking up at me

"And why is that mell" I said smirking at him

He leaned up and lightly kissing me "because Im dating you"

I looked away and blushed "W-Well you're dating garbage" I said laughing slightly

He frowned before saying "you aren't garbage y/n and even if you were, you're the most sexy garbage I've ever seen"

I snuggled up against him placing my face in the crook of his neck

"I love you" I said kissing his neck

His grip tightened as he pulled me closer to his body

"I love you more" he said kissing the top of my head.

I smiled before I slowly drifting off to sleep hearing "You're my whole world L/N im never letting you go" and with that I fell asleep.

Two hours later

I groggily woke up expecting to see Michael but instead I didn't.

I sat up feeling something slide off my shoulders I looked down confused as I saw michales jacket next to me.

I smile to myself and grabbed it and putting it on. I stood up and stretched before heading up stairs assuming that he'd be there.

I walked into the kitchen seeing Michael making F/F (favorite food)

I smiled to myself as i walked up behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist putting my head into his back

He chuckled as he felt me wrap my arms around him
"Hey baby what do you think you're doing?" he said not taking his eyes off the oven

"Im taking out the trash, what does it look like Im doing" I said rolling my eyes

He turned the oven off and turned around to face me wrapping his arms around my back

"Well this trash would love to be taken out on a date" he said grinning at me

I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed him "how does, Tuesday at lets saayyy, 6pm sound?" I said with a serious tone

"That sounds perfect" he said as he picked me up and sat me on the stool, turned around and grabbed F/F and placed it down infront of me.

I smiled at him and stated eating
"Mmmm, Michael~ this is amazing" I said as I shoved more food into my mouth

I looked up and saw his face was red "I-Im glad you like it" I laughed realizing he had his hands in his lap

"Is little Mikey excited?" I said teasing him as I leaned over the counter

"N-No!" he said looking away, his face turning even a brighter red

I got close to his ear and moaned "Mmm Michael~ Fuck, Mikey~ Ngghh"

"S-Stop it!" he said getting up and running to the bathroom. I laughed as I sat back down and continued eating.

The rest of the day was filled with me teasing him and lots of cuddles until I finally fell asleep while we were watching F/M (favorite movie)


oh look at that I finally updated and Im going to be writing a smut scene soon (maybe 2? Chapters from now) but dont worry ill worn you before I write it and ill make sure if you skip it, it won't mess with the actual story

The New Girl (Michael  Mellxreader) Finished Where stories live. Discover now