hello! wait! please don't go! argh mouse-dung! oh you're back? yay! so you're not as feather-brained as i though you were!
#428 in random as of 5/12/17
guys..... it's been like a month since i've last been on... i'm so sorry....!
i'm not here to make excuses (well i kinda am) but that's beside the point. and i can apologize all i want but that's not going to do anything.
*bring out popcorn now*
thing is, i've just so busy with... well life. attempting to write a book, trying to make book covers, playing with my (evil) little kitten who loves to bite my hands and make them bleed. (note to self: when too lazy to look for cat toy DO NOT USE HANDS INSTEAD)
gosh and there's everything from stupid melodramatic dramas to a sh*t load of school work. and... the struggles of trying to actually become good friends with people being the shy, awkward, stupid, idiot i am.
ANYWAY after a whole lot of thinking i've finally decided that i'm going to take this roleplay down until further notice. i'm really sorry, you've all been amazing, thank you so much. and-
UPDATE: (this is what happens when i leave something mid sentence and continue a few days later)
YOU KNOW WHAT?! STUFF IT! I CANT LEAVE YOU AMAZING JELLYBABIES! WHAT WAS MYSELF FROM THREE DAYS AGO EVEN THINKING?! and why am i so terrible at making descisions...? ANYWAY SO THIS ROLEPLAY IS STAYING UP! WOOHOO!!! unless i change my mind again but i'll see how i go.....
so what i'm going to do is i'm going to try to devote at least ten minutes each day to roleplaying, and if i don't, you have my explicit permission to steal my food and spam me.
the allegiances are kinda a mess right now though so pretty soon i'm going to do an activity check and i'll just get everyone who wants to continue to put their cats' names and descriptions so i can update the allegiances.
buuut if this volcano explodes
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(photos taken in past 24hrs)
then i will be shut in my house with all of the doors and windows sealed with sticky tape and glad wrap for probably a few weeks eating crackers, canned tuna and coconuts (my mum stocked up with like eight boxes of breakfast biscuits yesterday and a bunch of other stuff). oh and the power will probably be out so they'll be no internet (the ash would break my phone and laptop anyway) and we'll be using candles! fun... maybe they'll find my corpse in a few months....
either that or if we get the news fast enough then we go on a twenty-hour bus ride and a few ferries to some place and then catch a place back to australia...
but enough of that! here are some pictures of my kitten as my apology for being so completely and utterly inactive!
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i won't be able to roleplay until tomorrow though because i have to go to bed now and then i have school first thing tomorrow but i'll see y'all tomorrow!