{Chapter 2}

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*Kaci's POV*

So after hearing Trina sing all day and perform all day, I was able to go to bed, so I did, I walked straight up those stairs to my room and changed into a pair of sport shorts and a tank top. I climbed into bed and plugged my phone on charged and had a nice peaceful sleep.

[Next Morning]
I awoke to my alarm telling me to get up. I slowly raised up and checked the time, 11:00, "Okay, I have enough time to shower, change and eat dinner before Trina's showcase" I spoke to myself as if it was normal to list off today's activities to yourself. I jumped in the shower after undressing and washed my hair and shaved my legs. Once finishing I climbed out and wrapped a fluffy warm towel around my cold body. I then stood at my wardrobe, trying to decide what I wanted to wear - the difficulty of being a girl, you never know what to wear. Finally I had decided on some nice denim shorts with a sliver chain hanging off of them and a plain purple t-shirt, I had paired these with my black sneakers.
I made my way downstairs - after unplugging my phone and moisturising my freshly shaven legs - and went straight to the kitchen looking for food, as soon as I found the Nutella, I was good to go. I checked the time again and it was now 12:00 so I had about 1hr before I had to be at the showcase to help Trina get ready. I sat on the couch and ate my Nutella then decided it was best that I set off so I put the tub of chocolatey goodness back in the cupboard and walked to my car. Climbing in and starting the engine I set off to Hollywood Arts. I had reached the school with just 10 mins before Trina goes on, and as I walked in and went behind the curtains I noticed that the backstage crew were freaking out! Apparently Trina was completely allergic to the Chinese Herb Gargle she drank. "Wait who's going to perform for Trina?" The principle asked (I mean I assume he's the principle). "There was only one person watching me and Trina rehearse and that was Kaci -" André said turning to me once he said my name he continued speaking "You know all the words, all the moves and everything. Please do this for me." He pleaded. I couldn't say no, not when everyone is looking at you with puppy dog eyes. "Okay fine I'll do it!" I finally spoke. They all started mumbling things and some woman had pulled me off to the side and I had been given a dress to wear, it was red and figure hugging it was beautiful. I had been allowed to wear my black sneakers as well because let's just say black goes with everything!
Once I had gotten changed I had placed everything down and brushed through my hair and applied some slight makeup, a bit of eyeliner and blush with a pale red lipstick. It was very soon that I was on stage, I went on and stood centre waiting for André to start the music.

Once I had finished my performance, everyone in the audience stood up and clapped, I was speechless. Just then the curtains closed and André hugs me. The principle comes up and praises me on my performance and my voice."How old are you?" Everyone asks me, "I am only 15 year old" I responded. They all looked at me bewildered, the principle spoke "You're only 15 and yet you just sang like that, your voice is amazing, you're so talented, how would you like to be a student here at Hollywood Arts?" I was in shock I couldn't speak I was just offered a place to study here at Hollywood Arts the most talented school of all. "I'm not sure that I'd be good enough for here." I admitted. André and the principle looked at me like I just spoke really stupid. "You are so talented, you belong here." André said. "Fine, fine I'll be a student here but somebody is going to need to talk to my principle at my old school to tell him I'm moving." I reasoned. "Okay I'll get right on it." The principle said and he walked away with his phone out ready to call my high school. As of right now I am a student at Hollywood Arts High school.

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