1. Intro

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Note: This is a real story. For me and me friends aka classmates. And if one of my classmates read this, here is a message for you, labyuuuu! Joecell dis😂😘
And this is my FIRST story so PLEASE dont judge😂 and give me feedback

IMPORTANT NOTE: I am VERY, and if I mean VERY, I mean VERY BAD at explaining things so yeah. And the Narrator is gonna be me and always bold typings.
And this is gonna be like a diary becuase its just gonna be from my piont of view ONLY

And I'm gonna be changing the names a bit.

But here is a flashback from 2016

My classmates and I were on 5th grade and we were 24 all together, we love being with each other and it was fun being with them. But we promise to each other that we are gonna stay so that we can graduate with eachother but..... 2 of them left which was Jasper and Aaron. Aaron was my BESTFRIEND from the boys and he is like the clown of the class which was really sad for him to leave.

Which led us this year 2017. Now since Jasper and Aaron left we were just 22. This year the 7th grade had 2 sections. Since the 7th grade was 2 section we were transfered on the old computer room and we 6th graders was close to the student government, library and the computer room , and we were the only class there so yeah.

But let me intruduce you to the main names your gonna see ALOT, if I mean ALOT, I mean ALOT

Violet aka ME. Crissa. Veronicah. Kj. Kendi
And 5 of us are all girls and always hang out with each other and we call ouselves the SQUAD. But we get to some fights sometimes, but if you and your friends never fight you are NOT REAL friends. The squad say everything to eachother........ well sometimes. Even though every break time Crissa, Kendi and I always come with each other then Veronicah and Kj always are together we are STILL the SQUAD. Crissa, Kendi and I call ourselves TheTriplets.

Lets go to the family day Nov.24,2017

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