Whale Monster

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The "whale monster"

The darkness in the underwater ice caves was intoxicating. It choked all senses, and put ones mind on edge. Dragging those who could not handle it or stay calm into an abyss of torture... physically, and mentally.

The creature glided lethargically in the chilled water, the only thing lighting her way being the bioluminescent fish,that circled and danced around the variations of coral that had formed on her back over the many years she had been alive. Being one of the only lifeforms mutated by ALTA's debris who could find her way up to the surface.
Her claw tipped flippers similar to a turtles dragged her through the water, her tail shaped like a blue whales and gently rising and falling to give extra momentum. Eyes of a cloudy blue made her look almost blind. But somehow, despite the fact she had been down in the ice caves for so long, she was not blind. It was only now her vision was gradually beginning to fade. That had taken 50 or so years.

The other abominations lurking deep within the freezing, torturous tunnels shifted sluggishly away from her body, even though the only thing that the whale hybrid ate was the huge, terrifying bobbit worms that popped out of holes now and again while trying to feed themselves. She didnt mind the solitude. It was an uncommon thing for any creature to be friendly down here. The least you could get was to be ignored entirely.
The humans had learnt that the hard way, as many preferred to try and swallow them whole.

The whale hybrid had been trailing one and his robot companion,far behind but curious of their presence and reasons for being in such a clammy,lifeless place.She could hear their communication devices, and sense their mind corrupting distress. It radiated off them, like an unappealing stench. Even though she didnt truly understand it, for she was a creature of great curiosity with much to learn, she felt sympathetic for them. Dragged into this corrupt labyrinth where almost everything wanted to devour their insides or steal their light.

Eventually, the hybrid could hear another voice. Wishes of death to take him, desperate to be free but somehow unable to move. Her "creators",that the humans reffered to as ALTA, had frozen the strange waterproof case that the male was in. Instead of an aura of choking fear, it was also mixed with an overwhelming sense of misery. His mumbled words and angry, mournful rage made the feeling in the creatures heart grow heavier.

When the creators began moving the suit, and dragging this unfortunate soul down deeper into the black abyss, his eyes began bleeding. They bled a liquid like sea water, she saw while she lurked behind the current above, as it dragged many smaller creatures away to who knows where. The human was in pain, unable to handle the pressure of being down this deep. The hybrid had no care for the creators or their will. They were, although it was hidden, very manipulative. Maybe they wished to crush this man in his own blood because he had figured out the truth. Gliding through the current, the hybrid dived down to inspect him. She had seen the grip of death before. It had claimed the few other unfortunates that had become lost here. Creature and human alike.

When his bleeding eyes met the pools of pure blue that gazed at him so strangely, he was frozen. Not just by the suit, but by surprise. This one wasnt like the others that lurked within the death trap. It's eyes held a power, like it knew him. As if it were just an old friend. Or a hallucination before his demise. He was too lost to care for either. All he focused on was the giant that glided around him, the mesmerizing eyes never leaving him. It acted strange, only wanting to give the human a positive last memory compared to the other which was screaming and crying. Chris just stared. He still hated this fate. he still hated ALTA. He hated himself for only now realizing sooner what they were. Pff,why would they have dragged him down into the deep to be crushed if they were as righteous and good willed as they said? Maybe his end wasnt enjoyable. Or exciting. He wasn't dying in a bed after living a long happy life. But at least this strange fusion, coated in coral with its bedazzling eyes, made it bearable.

Its movements, so smooth and gentle despite her size, were like an unspoken lullaby. They lulled his tired mind, his eyes becoming heavy. A last apology to those he really cared for was wordlessly uttered, before he let himself go. Sleep enveloped him just like the abyss, but the former was soothing. It didnt hurt...

The hybrid watched the life fade from the puny creature she swam around, the same heartache returning. But death wasnt all torturous or miserable, she realized. It could be peaceful. He did not compress or shrink in the pressure. She decided that was too undeserved for him. Dipping her snout below his form, she gently pushed him out of the crevass, allowing him to be carried away by the current, to follow the human and the controlled robot,who maybe survived.

It was like that feeling after an argument, when you think of something you could've said that could change the whole thing. Only this time it was full of regret. She had time to save him. She could've pushed him earlier instead of circling. But keeping him alive did seem worse. There was no way his mind would not have been damaged. By pressure, and the mental effects caused by such an experience. Concluded, it was humane. The hybrid stared after the current a few more moments. watching the almost magical flow of millions and millions of tiny bubbles. Following the same path.
There were many other humans, she knew. Millions and Millions of tiny bubbles, following the path of life. Many to be saved. Many to be forgotten. All to be treasured.
Tossing her nose upwards slightly, the hybrid glided through the water again, into one of the tunnel paths. Back into the numbing depths of the ice caverns. Deathly silence other than the demonic, almost possessed screeches of unknown creatures within;the groaning and cracking of the ice above them.That was all there was. And all there ever would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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