Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans Chapter 13

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Sam & Cat & the Haunted Thundermans

Chapter Thirteen: The Shopping Spree

Phoebe Thunderman POV

Two days had passed since we went to Mystic Mountain and it was now Wednesday. It was 10:00 and I was eating breakfast with my family in the hotel lobby, when all of the sudden, we all heard a, "Ding!" from my phone.

"I thought that since were on vacation, I would rarely hear that noise," Dad told us, "But instead, I'm actually hearing it a lot more often than I usually do."

Max just shrugged. "What can I say, Dad? We're popular."

I just rolled my eyes at Max.

"Ha, ha, very funny, Max," I said sarcastically, as I picked up my phone off the dark brown table.

Max shrugged again.

"It's the truth; I mean, just look at how many friends we made so far and we've only been staying here for four days!"

"Yeah, we did make a lot of friends," I agreed, as I turned on my phone to read the text.

The text was from Taylor and it read, "Hey, Phoebe, it's Taylor. I'm so sorry for all of the confusion yesterday. If I would of known that you guys were planning on going to Mystic Mountain, I would of said yes. So anyways, do u, Max, Nora, and Billy want to go to the mall with me and Frankie today? I understand if Max and Nora don't want to go; they don't really seem like mall people. Billy might want to go; it seems like he'll agree with pretty much anything. I already asked Sam and Cat if they could go and they said that they could go after Cat gets done from school, which is at 2:30. They also told me that they would meet us there at 2:45."

"Ooh, it's from Taylor!" I announced.

"What did she say?" Billy asked me.

"She said that she and Frankie are going to the mall today with Sam and Cat at 2:45 and she invited us to go with them. She also apologized for all of the confusion yesterday."

"The mall?" Max whined, "You have to be kidding me!"

"Yeah, I don't want to go to the mall!" Nora agreed.

"I want to go to the mall!" Billy told us.

"Nope, I'm not kidding!" I stated.

"Yeah, why don't you kids go to the mall?" Mom asked us, "It sounds like you guys have been really having fun with these kids over these past couple of days!"

"But, Mom!" Max whined, "Do I really have to?"

"Come on, Max! You'll have fun!"

"Me? Having fun at the mall? Uh-uh, no way! The mall is really boring! All you do there is shop, eat, and talk!"

"Ok, Max," I sighed, "I guess that you just won't go to any electronic stores and look and that new laptop that you've had your eye on."

"Ok, I'm in!" Max announced.

I smirked; that did it!

"I'm still not going," Nora stated.

"Come with us, Nora!" I exclaimed, "You could get some new bows while we're there." Nora's eyes eyes widened.

"New bows?" She asked, "I'm in!"

See, I'm clever like that; I know what kind of stuff that my siblings like.

"Wait, what mall are they going to?" Dad asked me.

"I don't know," I answered, "I'll text her right now!"

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