The whiteboard message

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Being in the library can be such a boring experience, but not for Lucy. Lucy thrives on reading. She has already read half of the books in the small public library located on the far side of her little town. She knows the library like it was written on the palm of her hand. It gave her so much knowledge and it occupied her time. She has a steady record of As and she has never really been bored.
Well except right now.
Lucy sighs as she lets her head lightly fall onto the table before her, sprawling the top half of her body on the cool surface. It was after school and she was in her natural home for the evening. Just having finished school, there would be a whole bunch of kids studying for exams that is taking place the next day, but right now, the place is empty. Of course, who would go to the library when all you had to do is research your subject on Google?
"One day, I bet the internet is going to be useless. And who would be laughing at everyone when they have no idea what they are doing? Me! Ha!" Lucy mumbles as she pouts into her arms like a child. Lucy has just finished one of her favorite book series yet, and the series ended with her favorite character dying from a car accident.
Lucy kicks the chair in front of her, mad that she picked up the series in the first place.
"If I hadn't picked up that amazing book that started the great adventure in the first place, I wouldn't be in this situation!" Lucy half shouted as she threw her arms above her head and leaned back into her chair with an angry huff. Realizing she just shouted in a place where she was supposed to be quiet, she looks around with her sea foam green eyes to see if anyone was there to notice. Turning her attention back to the table before her once when she realized there was no one near her, she slumped back onto the table.
She threw her arms out and ended up hitting a marker. She picked her head up and rested her chin on the surface, blowing some of her long brunette hair out of her face, before staring at the dry erase marker. Looking away from the marker and glancing towards the nearest small white board built into the table, she gets an idea. Picking up the thin black marker, she doodles a little on the bored. Giving up when she messes up for the fifth time in a row, she starts to write a message.
"Who else is bored? I know I am. Willing to start a conversation?" Lucy says the words as she writes them down onto the board. She is in one of the most secluded parts of the library, so no one should erase the message. Gathering up her stuff, she sets the last book of the series she had finished back onto the shelf and scurries out of the building she calls home on some days and rushes towards her real home to cook dinner for her two brothers. Finally getting home Twenty minutes later, she walks in the front door, only to be bombarded with questions from her twin brothers.
"Can we go to the store later to get some snacks?" Asks one of the twins, Marco, with his emerald green eyes. Giving Marco a shove, his twin brother Victor, looks up at Lucy with cute diamond blue puppy dog eyes.
"May we stay up a little later than our normal bedtime?" Victor asks hopeful that Lucy will give in to the look he is giving her. Lucy visibly melts before scowling playfully at her little brother.
"Fine, but only if you get your homework done in the next 20 minutes. Deal?" She holds out two hands for both of them to shake. The twins glance at each other before smiling at Lucy and shaking both her hands.
"Deal!" They giggle before Marco stops and stares up at Lucy.
"What are we having for dinner?" Marco asks her sister the one question she has been dreading all day. Giving the small boy a small smile, she rustles his hair before ignoring the two and walking into the kitchen to see what she will cook.
Normally she would wait for her mom to come home, but she is out on a business trip for a few months. Their father ran out on the family and disappeared from society, so they definitely wouldn't be waiting for him to get home. Thankfully they are friends with the neighbors, so they can go over there in case of an emergency.
Sighing, Lucy found noodles and cheese, so wanting dinner to be simple and easy for the night, she decides to have mac'n'cheese.
After and eating dinner, Lucy takes the boys to the grocery store to pick up some treats before going home and resting on the couch. The night went on and the three ended up sleeping on the chinch, huddled together for warmth.
Light shining in Lucy's face and a sound beeping from her phone, she sits up and looks at her two brothers before waking them up for school. Getting ready and throwing two breakfast bars at her brothers, she ushers them through the door and locks it before rushing all three of them to the bus stop.
Standing there for a few minutes, the bus arrives and they get on. Sitting down, they wait for the bus to pull into the elementary school first. Waving the twins off, wishing them a nice day at school, she waits for the bus to drive to the high school. She is a senior who wishes with all her might to get a car. She took driving lessons and passed with flying colors, so the only problem is that she doesn't have a car.
With a small paying job at the library she spends so much time at, she doesn't make as much money as she wishes. She would have to get a second job soon if she wanted to even think about getting a car. Getting to school and heading to her first period, she prepares herself for a long and boring day. Taking midterms in a lot of her classes, the morning passes by very slowly, and the afternoon even more slow.
The final bell rings and the students rush out of class. Lucy, one of the last people out of the classroom because she stayed behind to talk to the teacher, hurried to her locker and runs out of school. Rushing towards the library as quick as she can, Lucy says hi to her fellow workers before putting on her name tag and goes to stock books back where they belong. Eventually pushing her little cart back to were she was yesterday, she looks at the whiteboard, not expecting an answer at least until a few more days and gets stunned. Finding an answer to her message, she quietly reads it out loud to herself.
"Yes I am. I am completely bored, and I do not want to be here. Studying for the midterms, and if I want to pass, then I have to be here though. What about you? My name is Mason by the way."
Quickly thinking about what to say and letting a grin spread on her face, she gets to writing.

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