contest results

9 3 4

Hmm k here we go
THE PICTURES WON'T LOAD AGAIN HELP MEEEEEE. i will put the winners image up the top.

Ok so i know that this is a week overdue i am very sorry i didn't forget i was just busy. Anyway here are the winners.

Also i can no longer do aesthetics because of my device so i am sorry about that.

In third place we have
You win an adoption pass

In second place we have
They are on Instagram (no i will not tell you my acount sorry)

And in first place we have......

You win the first prize which is 2 free adoption passes, a headshot of one of your OC's and a WOF OC made bye me. (Sorry the aesthetics dont work anymore)

Please PM (privatd message) me what oc you would like me to draw for your headshot.

I will get started on your WOF oc right away.

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