Chapter One

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Izuku's POV

Darkness. I have gotten used to seeing it creep up on me every morning. It would always come up to me and take hold of me. It was so cold. It was an abyss that I could never escape. I wished to escape, but by the smack of the hand, I was back again.

Somehow, this time I was able to escape. I could open my eyes to hear myself coughing up blood and vomiting all over the newly vacuumed floor. My vision was blurry and it took me a while to realize that Father towered over me, looking angrily in my direction.

"Fa......Fa...Fath...Father??" I mumbled softly before my head started splitting apart.

Father sneered. He picked up Mom's vase and smashed it onto the ground. The glass shattered on the ground with a shriek. Drops of blood fell to the floor. A perfect rose wilted at my feet.

"Pick this up!" Father yelled, before exiting the room.

My vision blurred. I could barely see anything anymore. My head hit a piece of glass as I fell to the ground.

The perfect rose wilted with me.


Katsuki's POV

That damn Deku! How dare he oppose me! The little bitch strutted into the classroom, and everyone looked at him with ease. However, something seemed off about him. It was the first time in a while that I felt this sort of uneasiness. What was this uneasiness from?

Uraraka touched Deku's arm, which in turn, made him wince. "I'm sorry! Deku... Are you alright?" Deku smiled and nodded nonchalantly.

Ughh. Why did I care about the nerd? It's not like I like him or anything! I could feel a little bit of heat rush up to my cheeks, though I wasn't sure why. I cursed myself under my breath and slapped my cheek.

Aizawa opened the door into the classroom. Everyone rushed to their seats. He walked slowly to his post and attempted a smile. It made everyone clench uneasily. He seemed in a good mood today.

"Good morning class. Today, we will be having a practical exam. Go get dressed in your exercise clothes and meet me outside. Homeroom dismissed."

With that, everyone departed to their locker rooms. I got dressed as fast as I could. Beating the class outside would inevitably be a start to beating them in everything else! As I closed my locker and locked it, I noticed that everyone had already left!

"Dammit! They already left!" I yelled angrily. My thoughts must have slowed me down!

A faint noise could be heard from the one stall in the locker room. Did it sound like...vomiting? I stood there for a minute, wondering what I should do. Should I go check on him, or leave?

"I should get outside..."

Then, I saw what I never thought I would see. Deku walked out of the stall, vomit residue dripping down his chin. His eyes were an unhealthy red and tears were threatening to leak out. He was wearing his exercise clothes, but he wore a long-sleeve shirt and pants under it. I couldn't help but let out a short gasp.


He walked past me, to his locker. He opened it and dropped his school uniform inside. He locked it and turned to face me.

"Hi...Kacchan..." He breathed, obviously trying to sound like he was fine.

"Deku?! What the hell happened to you?" I yelled.

Deku smirked a little before turning towards the door. "Since when do you care about me... Bakkugou Katsuki?"

With that, he slowly walked outside. I stood there speechless. For some reason, his words stung. I shook my head vigorously. Why should I care about what that bitch thinks??

I left the locker room after Deku.

All Might was helping Aizawa teach the class today. For our check-up exam, we had to take down a robot without help from our suits or others. It was my turn to go. I was the second-to-last person.

I stepped into the arena. A giant green robot approached me at full speed. It was one of the zero-pointers from the entrance exam. I chuckled a little as it looked at me intimidatingly. When it started to move towards me, I jumped up and aimed my explosion towards the nuisance.

"Die, robot!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The explosion following was ginormous. When I fell to the ground, I quickly stood up to get away. My arm screamed bloody murder, but I had to deal with it as I ran to get out of the blast range.

Aizawa came in and pulled me out. He sighed loudly. "Bakkugou, a hero doesn't blow up the town in the process."

"So what?! I destroyed the damn monster!!" I barked in his face. He sighed again and brought me to the others.

"Next is young Midoriya," All Might said. Deku stared at the ground, fidgeting with his fingers.

What was wrong with the damn nerd? He was acting strange today. I gave him a glare as he passed me.

Deku walked with slowly, wobbling every few steps. "Are you sure he is well enough to fight?" Uraraka asked Aizawa. "He looks so frail."

"Hey! Young Midoriya! Are you alright?" All Might yelled. He kept his usual smile, but his voice was edged with worry.

Deku stopped abruptly. He turned to face All Might. A bead of sweat fell down his face. Nevertheless, that cocky smile was painted on his face.

He nodded slightly. "Don't worry...He's here..." he said, just loud enough for me to hear.

Then, he collapsed.

I Will Save Him [Abused! Izuku X Katsuki]Where stories live. Discover now