7. Overwhelm

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"If I'm as dangerous as you are, does that still make me the lamb?"

H A R R Y stared at the king with a frown. "What are you talking about?" He asked, slowly backing away from the man. He tripped momentarily but caught himself. "Y-you've fed people to this thing before?" He questioned with wide eyes.

Louis smirked and cocked his head to the side. With every step forward he took, Harry took two back. It was like a dance. One step forward, two steps back. He shrugged at Harry's question. "Only when I no longer found a use for them," he chuckled darkly.

Harry saw Louis' pupils dilate, before covering not only his whole iris but the white of his eyes as well. With a gasp and an elevated heart rate, Harry turned and ran for his life.

Not that his life was what Louis planned to take from him.

Louis laughed and around him, the plants seemed to shrink. He placed his hand on one of the vine-covered walls. "Get him," he said, a wicked smile on his face.

Harry ran as fast as he could. He could hear crackling branches and snapping vines behind him, but he didn't dare look back. His breathing picked up as he continued to sprint. He laughed in relief as he saw it, the exit of the garden. The omega ran faster, if possible. As soon as he passed through the marble arch, he turned quickly to watch the vines that had been chasing them. He celebrated too soon, believing the plants wouldn't leave the garden.

With a gasp, he backed away as the vines crept towards him, passing through the exit. He scrambled back and up against the back doors of the palace. He pounded on them, hoping and praying someone would open them. He turned and placed his back against the glass of the door, staring at the vines, fear written all over his face as he prepared to be taken into the grasp.

Suddenly, he fell back and landed on the wood floor of the castle. He stared with wide eyes as the vines and branches approached, before stopping. They pounded against the open space of where the door had been left open, as though there was some invisible force holding them back. Harry sighed in relief as a feminine hand was placed on his shoulder. "T-thank you," he panted, turning to face the woman.

He screamed at the sight of Jay's face, her head twisted at an unnatural angle. He pushed her hand away and ran again. Behind him, he could hear her laughing.

"What's the matter, little omega? Forgotten you had killed me?" She cackled, slowly following him, as though she wasn't in any sort of rush to get the lad.

Harry felt like his heart was going to burst out of his chest. He had done that? There's no way. Harry had never been violent before. Besides, he has no reason to injure his lady-in-waiting. He couldn't have done it. Right?

He slid around a corner and immediately ran up the stairs. He could feel himself growing short of breath, but that didn't stop his pace. The adrenaline flowing throwing through his veins was the only thing keeping him going at that point. As he reached the top step, he looked down to see Jay barely reaching the bottom of the stairs. He continued to run down the corridor. He turned a sharp corner and ran into one of the guards. He laughed in relief. "Oh, thank the heavens. Y-you have to help me. M-my lady-in-waiting waiting," he paused to catch his breath. "S-she's after me. And h-her head, something's wrong with it, b-but she said I did it, but I couldn't have b-because I-"

He froze as the guard grabbed his shoulders and spun him around. Louis grinned at him from the top of the staircase. In a split second, he stood in front of Harry. A cold hand was placed on the omega's cheek and the last thing Harry heard before everything faded away were four familiar words.

"Long live the King."

He woke up in a cold sweat. His hand shook and he felt the damp silk sheets beneath him. Struggling to breathe, Harry forced himself to calm down. He stared in front of him, peering into the darkness in front of him, the darkness that filled the entire bedroom. He turned and looked at Louis, sleeping beside him. With a heavy sigh of relief, he finally relaxed.

He stiffened as Louis stirred beside him. "Everything alright, love?" The King asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

Harry nodded. "Y-yeah. Just a nightmare of sorts," he explained.

Louis nodded in understanding. "I'm sorry, little one. Wish I could've protected you from it," he apologized softly.

Harry shook his head. "That's alright." He stood up and stepped out of bed. "I'm going to ring for Jay to bring me a cup of tea, would you like some?"

Louis looked at Harry in confusion. "Jay?"

Harry blinked twice. "Yeah, the uh, lady-in-waiting you assigned me?" He replied, feeling confused.

Louis stood up and placed a hand in Harry's forehead before checking his eyes for dilated pupils. "I think your fall the other day gave you a concussion of sorts," he murmured. "Your lady-in-waiting is Katie," he said.

Harry stepped back, his back hitting the wall. "Wh-what? What fall? The other day? Katie? N-no, her name is Jay. She was just in my. . . . Dream," he said, trailing off. He looked up at Louis in shock. So it hadn't been a nightmare.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Your mind is too fucking strong, little omega. Looks like I need to start giving you a greater dose," he said. He placed a hand on Harry's cheek and the feeling of his cold hand was all too familiar to not have happened before. Louis grinned at Harry. "Sleep well, little one," he said.

Louis caught the omega as he collapsed. "Liam!" He shouted, voice booming through the castle for everyone to hear. The windows shook with the power in his voice.

Liam appeared in the doorway of Louis' bedroom moments later. "You called?" He asked, leaning against the door frame.

Louis growled. "He's too strong, mentally. The spells aren't lasting. And the medicine we gave him is doing nothing. It wore off just after breakfast," he said, looking down at Harry's sleeping form.

Liam tilted his head and stared at the unconscious omega. "It wore off after he killed Jay?" He asked. "Intriguing. I've never met an omega this mentally powerful before."

Louis turned to face Liam. "Not even your own?" He asked. "As I recall, you liked the tougher specimens," he said. "Speaking of Jay, no one in the castle is to mention her name. She never existed," he told his head doctor.

Liam shrugged. "Niall was rather tough to put under my influence, but that was because Harry was the one who taught him to be strong-willed. Zayn didn't need coercing. He likes being controlled," he explained. He raised an eyebrow. "Why?" He asked.

"Harry freaked when he saw the image of her I created. I wonder how long it would take to break him by making him think he's going mad," he hummed. "And how is little Nialler? I haven't seen him since we last went to Andromeda to spy on this little one," he said, gently tugging one of Harry's curls.

Liam smirked. "He's doing excellent. He's killed Desmond. However, the Queen hasn't left her chambers in a while, so he's trying to figure out how to get to her. Suggestions for him?"

Louis thought for a moment. "Have him pretend Harry's fallen ill here. He can go to her for comfort. Then, he can complete his task."

Liam nodded. "Very well, my King. Niall does love to put on a little show. However, I may have to visit him to make sure he'll go through with it. It's been a while since he's had a dose. And what of Jay's body? She's beginning to stink up the dungeon."

Louis chuckled. "I believe Harry is going to do some exploring when he wakes later this afternoon. Place her somewhere he'll be sure to find her. The moment he wakes, all servants are to return to their chambers. Understood?"

"Yes, my King."

"Good. You're dismissed, Liam."

"Thank you, Sire," Liam said, before departing to pack a bag and head to Andromeda.

Louis smirked down at Harry as Liam left. "Oh, darling," he chuckled darkly, storming the omega's cheek. "You've no idea what's coming."

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