First Day

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Mickey POV

*Ring Ring Ring*

Ugh, I stopped my alarm and looked around. I can't believe I have to go to a school school. But its whatever , its not like I'm going to stay there forever, my last year left. So I get up and get ready to go to school. Once I was done I saw dad making breakfast.

Dad- morning sweet heart
Me- morning dad
Dad- ready for your first day
Me- please don't remind me
Dad- *laughs* you'll be fine, just be yourself
Me- alright, well thanks for breakfast , bye dad
Dad- bye Mickey

So I hop into my car and start driving to school. Thank God there is GPS cause no body trying to take the bus. Once I reached the school, it was huge. Like enormous. I parked my car and start walking and I see people whispering in each others ear once I walked by. What's there problem😒. Then these two girls out of no where comes up to me.

Girl 1- heyyyyy, what's good, the name is Kylie
Girl- and I'm Drew, how u doing
Me- uh, good ig?
Kylie- its okay , don't be shy , we just like meeting new comers
Drew- yepp
Me- oh, uh I have to get to class
Kylie- wait, we didn't mean to stop you like that, its just we never had a famous person in are school, you know
Drew- ya, and your soooo pretty and you look just like your dad , like wow

Um this is weird, two girls coming up to you and just start taking, like dang, I just got here

Me- well, uh its okay, my name is Mickey, but u can call me Prince.
Kylie- ohhh, like the middle name sounds bold
Me- thx
Drew- come follow us so you can get your schedule
Me- well uh, I already got it, bit nice netting you
Kylie- wait..

Then next thing you know I'm off. I can do this on my own, and I also have been so I got this. Looking at my schedule, I have , let's see.... Oh dance/chorus first, mm, sounds nice. So I walk through the hall way going to my locker and I see a boy just staring at me. He has blue eyes and not really pale skin but you could say his from Europe. He just keeps on staring until he comes up to me. Uh, oh

Guy- hey, how u doing
Me- good, now good bye
Guy- wait, I don't mean it like that, I just wanted to say hi, I never seen you around
Me- well, news flash I'm knew , now good bye

Why, oh why people talk to me. I mean jeez, I know my dad is famous. So I find my first period and I see that Kylie and Drew are here too.

Kylie- heyyy, please don't run off. We just want to be friends
Drew- ya, just give us a chance Prince
Me- *sigh* ig ..
Kylie-*screams* yayyyyyyyyy
Me- okay okay*laugh*
Drew- so, ready for your first day?
Me- I guess so

So we take our seats abs the teacher , Mrs. Johnson ,  starts to teach. We learned about the different types of dance and rhythm. This class is not that bad. I love learning about dance, I mean come on, my dad's a dancer.

Mrs. J- I see we have a new student in here.
* everyone looks at me*
Girl 1- omg!!!!, its Mickey
Me- uh, hi
Mrs. J- well Mickey, why don't u come up and introduce your self
Me- um, sure

So I got up and started talking, girls started getting loud, boys started drooling over me and all of this is just ridiculous. Once I was done I sat back down and class started again. Then next thing you know someone taps my shoulder.

Girl- hey, don't mean u famous, don't mean u gotta talk to my man
Me- excuse me, but I don't know your man
Girl- good, and it better stay that way

Ummmm, okay, don't know what her problem is. Then the bell ringed and off to ap anatomy.

Kylie- girl, I saw u are talking to the evil girl
Drew- ya, what did she want
Me- she was talking about me talking to her mans and....
Kylie- you mean Connor, blue eyes
Me- wait, him, he was the one who was trying to talk to me
Drew- really, oooooo, someone likes youuu
Me- uh, no, this man is taken so no
Kylie- exactly , but he is cute tho, not gonna lie
Me- igg

So the day went by and finally lunch came around. I got my lunch and sat with Kylie and Drew and little miss don't steal my man came towards me with her man along with her.

Kylie- well, well, Kate what do you want
Kate- well, I just wanted to tell miss super star that I don't her staring at my man
Me- I wasn't, I don't steal people bf for fun soooo good bye
Kate- whatever
Connor- come on baby, I was just wanted to say hi to her
Kate- noo, u can't , your with me and u like this rich brat here

Oh no she didn't. She did not just call me that

Me- excuse me but I'm not a spoil brat like yourself and u and your bf can go somewhere cause all you guys is make new comers feel bad. So I advice u to go or it could get ugly.

Then I left and Connor looked hurt, but I didn't care, he should have stopped his so called bf.

Kylie- woah, Prince, u told them
Drew- yeppp, but Connor looked kinda hurt tho
Me- and, he should have stopped her
Drew- true, true

As time went by school was done and this Friday me, Drew and Kylie is having a sleep over, can't wait. So I hopped in my car and went home to start homework. When my dad came he had a women with him, hm who could she be

Me- hey dad, who's the women
Dad- oh hi Prince, this is Tatiana, tati, this is my daughter , Mickey
Tati- hello
Me- um, hi. So why is she here
Dad- Prince!!, don't be rude, she um, a girl I have been talking to
Me- mm, really,
Tati- ya, and we plan to marry and.....
Me- woah, marry?!? U guys just meet, that don't work like that
Tati- oh Mickey, we have been dating for a year
Me- a year??!!, Dad!!!
Dad- oh, I didn't tell you, I'm sorry Prince I just....
Me- no dad. You should have told me, you are all I have left and I dont want some stick looking gold digger to take you away.
Dad- Mickey wait....

So I just ran up my room. I can't believe he didn't tell me. After that I just slept.

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