His Secret

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"LEE," George yelled as he knocked on the door of his head guard's guest room,

"Why was this on my bedside table" He asked with a scowl as the man opened his door, he read the note,

You're going down, trash. I've never seen more shoddy security, you're lucky you had your puppy sleeping with you instead of alone or he would have been down the stream by now. You can't protect him forever, though, so stay sharp

-JL <3 

George tore the paper in two,

"S-sir, in your room? How could anyone get in,"

"That's what i'm asking you. You're head of security,"

"He... I..." The man started to stutter, and George grabbed the collar of his shirt,

"If this ever happens again so help me God you will be gone! And you know good and well I can't afford to let someone who knows so much simply leave," He said through gritted teeth, and Lee gulped,

"Y-yes sir, of course sir, i'll start upping security now, so sorry, s-sir," He whined, and George scowled at him. George wanted to punch the man for being so timid, he hated weakness in what was keeping him and Samuel safe. And he was about to do just that before he heard someone,

"George, why are you up so early?" Asked a soft voice from down the hall, and George loosened his grip from Charles's collar,

"Nothing to worry about, Samuel... just saying hello to Lee," He said in a less aggressive voice,

"Right, Lee?" He said as he released the man's collar,

"Yes sir, just a talk..." He said, then turned back into his room and closed the door. Samuel rubbed his eyes as he ambled closer,

"At 4 A.M.?" He asked, and George shrugged, deciding to change the subject,

"Yes. Are you hungry, because I'm starving," He said simply, deciding not to worry the boy, and he lightly shook his head.

"No thanks... I'm just going back to sleep," He said groggily, and George nodded and began to follow him upstairs,

"I thought you were hungry..." He asked, and George ceased his following,

"Oh yeah... I'll be up after I eat," He said with a weary smile, and Samuel continued up the stairs. Once George disappeared into the kitchen, Samuel crawled back downstairs and down the faculty room hallway. He knocked on Lee's door, and it opened quickly,

"Sir, please I- oh. Hey, Samuel," He said awkwardly, and Samuel raised an eyebrow,

"What were you two talking about?" He asked,

"You looked scared," He added, and Lee swallowed thickly,

"Me? Scared? No... it doesn't matter what we were talking about, it's nothing," He said, and Samuel studied him,

"Are you Ok? You seem a bit on-edge." He said, and Lee gave him a weary smile,

"I'm fine, but thanks for caring," He said simply before trying to close the door, but Samuel stopped it with his hand,

"Would George really kill you if he had to fire you?" He asked in a worried tone, and Charles sighed,

"Probably. But that doesn't concern you, go to bed- it's not safe to be alone at night," He said simply, but Samuel glared,

"But, isn't it your job to keep this place and the people in it safe? Aren't the doors locked?" He asked, and Lee stepped out of his room,

"Yes. they should be," He said,

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