~ The Fourth Letter ~

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Many songs talk about love.

Although I don't think any of them fully capture its essence, its passion, its desire.

Love is so much more than simple lyrics could express. Love is a beautiful phenomenon that only occurs once in a lifetime...

But it doesn't. It just feels like it does.

Love is an illusion the heart believes, created with smoke and mirrors. When you've fallen under its spell, there is nothing that can break it. Oh wait, there is. The antidote includes betrayal, affairs or simply, a broken heart.

Many songs talk about heartbreak.

Maybe because it's relatable. There are always more happily never afters than ever afters. Heartbreak is always captured so beautifully in songs, the pain evident in the lyrics, the wounds raw within the cracking of the artist's voice.

I don't like to listen to either songs.

Love songs remind me of him and all the amazing nights we spent together, the days when I thought we had all the time in the world.

Heartbreak songs remind me what he stole from me and how he returned the remnants of my heart in pieces. They remind me why I sit here, writing these letters to you.

He needs to be stopped before any more hearts become casualties of his love.

The only person who can stop him is you.

And to do that, you have to know the truth.

This is the story of how I was loved.

And then I wasn't.

And then I wasn't

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Love, LaylaWhere stories live. Discover now