Chapter 10: Partners in Crime

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A week has passed...

Me and Jimin barely talked to each other after me telling the truth which he already knew about but waited for me to admit it.

But still Seulgi keeps dragging him around. Me and Seulgi became frenemies but I don't give a fuck about it since I hate her so.

I'm now here at the classroom again, and I'm just doodling on my notebook.

Finally... My classmates arrived. And so did my arts teacher.

Alright class... Please take your seats, I have an important project for you all ~Mr. Kim

I wonder what it would be?

My arts project for you all is a partner project. I will pair you by two, but with the opposite sex alright? So let's have- ~Mr. Kim

Mr Kim, would you please explain the project first before you pair as up? ~Lisa

Gladly. So your project is to draw your partner ~Mr. Kim

What?!! ~Students

You mean... I would draw a girl? ~Jhope

Yes. But not just an ordinary drawing, you should draw them only wearing their undergarments. Don't worry, I won't show the drawing to anyone. ~Mr. Kim

Sir!?? Wtf??? Isn't our body private? ~Jennie

But girl's bodies are art right? ~Mr. Kim


But sir, you're making a man draw our body, can't you just pair us up to the same gender? ~Jisoo

I can, but thats the school's project. Who cares, that's just drawing ~Mr. Kim

I care sir! ~Students

You want grades or no? ~Mr. Kim

... ~Students

If you do this, you will not take any tests nor project anymore, this drawing will only be your final grade for this grading ~Mr. Kim

Sure!?? ~Students

Yes. And why care if men sees your bodies girls? I never ask you to do things with them right? Its only drawing. Just like what Jack and Rose did in Titanic, jack only draws Rose. ~Mr. Kim

Alright *sighs* ~Students.

So shall I start? Alright, let's have the real artists firsts. Lisa and Jungkook, Taehyung and Jennie, Jin and Jisoo. ~Mr. Kim

Nice pairing Mr. Kim *smirks and winks* ~Jennie

Jennie... No dirty thoughts alright? ~Mr. Kim

I wasn't thinking dirty *acting all innocent* ~Jennie

I'm warning you, if ever you get pregnant because Taehyung didn't wore protection then its not my fault ~Mr. Kim

What? ~Jennie and Taehyung

*laughs* ~Students

Alright, so.. Do we have any more real artists here? The one I gave the highest score on the portrait we did? ~Mr. Kim

Me, and Jimin ~Seulgi


Oh I remember, Chanyeol and Rosé too right? ~Mr. Kim

Yes ~Chanyeol and Rosé

Ok so let's have... ~Mr. Kim

Wiee, Jiminie you are going to draw me- ~Seulgi

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