( xiv. ) made up my mind

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Aria spent the day with Natalie, trying to think about what exactly she should do. Natalie was actually mentioning some good points, which made Aria's opinion swerve from side to side. "How can I trust him?"

"I honestly don't know, you just have to go with your gut," Natalie shrugged, shaking her head as she delved deep into her thoughts. "What was his body language like?"

"Uh, I don't know. He seemed nervous, almost as if his life depended on that moment." Aria explained, trying to recall the memories. "It felt like he was being honest."

"Well, maybe he was." Natalie offered, raising her eyebrows. "Maybe he knows that he messed up and he really does want you back."

"Or, what if this is just another step in his master plan?" Aria mutters, letting a deep sigh escape as she laid back on her bed.

"What if it is? So what, you let down your guard for a second and he hurts you again. You'll get over it. But, what if it's not? Maybe he really does want to make it up to you and be with you, then you wouldn't want to pass up that opportunity, would you?" Natalie raised a single eyebrow, finishing what she had to say.

"Damn, you give good relationship advice. It's almost as if you've been in one before." Aria laughs a bit, shaking her head.

"Actually.." Natalie twiddles her thumbs, nervous to find her older sister's reaction. "Wyatt and I have been dating since two weeks after we moved here."

"Wait, what? That was.. months ago! You didn't tell me?" Aria widened her eyes, shocked and kind of hurt that her sister didn't trust her with this information, yet she also understood.

"I wanted to know your exact opinion on him first, and you were going through stuff with Finn so I wanted to help.. I'm sorry." Natalie shook her head, leaning in to hug Aria.

"It's fine, Nats. I'm really happy for you," Aria smiled, wrapping her arms around Natalie. "And, I know what I'm gonna do."


"Dude, no, Naruto is better," Jaeden argues, shaking his head in disbelief at the uneducated little boy.

"Okay, you caught me, I don't even watch your stupid cartoon shows." Jack laughed, banging his hands on the table in an attempt to 'make music'.

"Ugh, I knew it!" Jaeden exclaimed, angry at himself for engaging in a two hour argument with Jack about anime, "hey-wait, it's not a stupid cartoon show!"

Jack laughed, mocking the taller boy as he ran downstairs to grab food. Finn watched as Jaeden ran after him, screaming that he would kill him.

Wyatt amusedly looked toward Finn, a smirk pushing his small lips to the side, "why are we friends with them?"

"I seriously have no idea." Finn shook his head, his mind everywhere at once. "Dude, what do you think she's gonna say?"

"I don't know, it depends what mood she's in really." Wyatt shrugged before explaining further, "if she's still mad at you then she probably won't forgive you, but if she feels like being understanding, then maybe she will."

"I hope it's the latter." Finn mutters, anxiety overcoming him.


Aria marched over to the house next door, ready to speak her mind. She knocked on the painted wood, waiting for somebody to open it as her sister ran behind her. Wyatt's mother opened the door, a smile plastered on her face.

"Girls, I didn't know you were coming over! All the boys are upstairs, playing video games or something." She laughed before offering them drinks and food, which they politely declined.

The two girls trotted up the stairs, reaching Wyatt's bedroom. They lightly knock, hearing a "come in!" from the other side.

Aria opened the door, noticing Finn across the room. His eyes immediately widened as he stood up, his sweaty hands wiping against his jeans.

The girl walked toward him, placing her hands on either side of his face. Her lips pressed against his in the most beautiful way possible; well, maybe not to other people — but to them at least. Aria had never believed people when they said they felt 'sparks', but she knew they were flying. Or maybe that was just when Jack "accidentally" set his homework on fire.

Even with the commotion in the background, Finn and Aria stayed concentrated on them, and just them. Even Jack concentrated on them as his shirt began to burn along with the paper.

"I've made up my mind." Aria whispers, slowly pulling out of the kiss.

Finn has a smile larger than any anybody has ever seen as he pressed his forehead against her own.

"I'm glad," he whispers.


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