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Sorry for any typos

Your P.O.V
After the six of us finished eating we proceed on picking who I was going to sleep with " Ok I'll think of a number from 1 through 100 and you have to guess the number and whoever gets it right is the person who I'll sleep with ok" I said and they all nodded their heads. After like thirty minutes Daniel was the one to guess the right number " Really Y/N 2 really" Jisung said " What it's my favorite number" I said to him. " Ok I'll put my stuff in Daniel's room and then let's play hide and seek again but, everyone will play this time," I said and everyone agreed. Daniel took my stuff to his room because he insisted so I let him " Ok who will count?" Daewhi asked " Let Guanlin count since he's the youngest" Seongwoo said " Also let him pair up with Daniel so that way it will be Daniel and Guanlin looking for all of us" Jisung said and we agreed " Give us 30 seconds" I said and they nodded, once Guanlin and Daniel started counting we all went to hide. I ended up hiding in Daniel's room along with Daewhi and Seongwoo. We were all on the ceiling holding ourselves up with the edges of the ceiling. Guanlin and Daniel went into Daniel's room first but didn't see us. Then they left but we had a problem because Daewhi phone was starting to fall out of his pocket  "Someone has to grab his phone, Seongwoo grab his phone and put it in your pocket since they are more secure. But let's make sure the coast is clear " I said and they agreed. I listened outside for Guanlin and Daniel but didn't hear them " Go Seongwoo " I said and he quickly grabbed Daewhi phone without falling and put it in his pockets " Y/N, Daewhi, and Seongwoo where are you guys?" Daniel asked " looks like it's only us left," I said, then Daniel and Guanlin came into the room " Where could they be?" Guanlin asked Daniel, they started looking around then Daniel looked up at the ceiling and saw the three of us " Found them " Daniel said, " Where?" Guanlin asked and Daniel pointed at the ceiling he looked up and saw us. The three of us waved " How'd you guys get up there?" Guanlin asked " Well we don't even know how we got up on the ceiling," I said, then the three of us jumped off and landed on Daniel's bed. We went to the living room where the others were " Guys we have to go to sleep now so everyone go to sleep and goodnight" Jisung said " Goodnight guys " I said and everyone else said goodnight. Me and Daniel went to his room" ok so you sleep on one half of the bed and I get the other half" Daniel said and I agreed. Just as I'm about to fall asleep I feel someone's hands wrap around my waist, but I don't care and just fall asleep.

Next Day

Daniel's P.O.V
" Be quiet or else we'll wake them up" I hear someone whisper, I groan in annoyance " Wait don't wake them up yet I want to take a few more pictures" someone else says, I move and pull something closer to me.  Confused as to what I'm holding I open my eyes and see all of the guys with their phones taking pictures of me and Y/N since I have my arms wrapped around her waist " So you guys have to wake up because we are going somewhere to eat breakfast" Jisung says as if nothing just happened "How long have you guys been here for?" I ask "About like an hour," Sungwoon says "Well you have to wake up Y/N that way we can go eat breakfast," Daewhi said as they started to leave the room. Looks like I have to wake her up " Y/N wake up" I said shaking her but she wouldn't wake up, then I had an idea " Y/N wake up or else I'll throw water on you" I said and she woke up "See I knew you were already awake " I said " But I wanna sleep more" she whined "Well guess what you can't because we have to eat breakfast" I said and then left the room.

Y/N's P.O.V
Instead of getting up I decided to stay in bed instead of getting out of bed, but someone took the blanket away from me " Ya Y/N get up" this person said, I looked up and it was Seongwoo " No" I whined " Come On don't make me carry you all the way downstairs" he said " As if you would " I said and closed my eyes. Then I being picked up and carried downstairs "Seongwoo put me down," I said " Nope" he said still carrying me. Once we got to were the others were I saw that they were dressed up, I was about to run away but Seongwoo caught my wrist " Now Y/N you will go upstairs but not to sleep, change out of your PJs and brush your teeth because we're going to eat somewhere" he said " But why?" I whined " Because why not and since you are here we might as well go somewhere to eat," he said " Fine I'll only go on three conditions, "I said " What?" He asked

" Really Y/N I knew that one condition would be you would only come if you didn't pay but this are you kidding me and the other condition " Seongwoo said " Well I told this was the only way I would go with you guys plus it's less work for me, and I feel like a child and I don't care" I said and gave him a cheeky grin " I mean I sort of saw it coming" Daewhi said, Ya see my three conditions were They would pay and I wouldn't pay for anything because I only go if it's free food like who wouldn't? My second condition was that they had to pull me on in a wheel cart that I fit in and my third condition was that if I got tired of being in the cart, one of them would have to carry me. They told me we wouldn't be in a car so I took my chance. " So where are we going next?" Jisung " Well I have to get home because I promised my friend that I would help her with something," I said " So I'll see you guys later" I said and got out of the wheel cart and started walking home. The guys walked to their homes and I walked home alone, then my phone started ringing it was Jimin and I answered: " What do you want?" I asked " Baby~," he said "Jimin are you drunk?" I asked "No, come over please" he said "I can't Jimin I have to help Jessica out" I said "Then come over later" he said "Fine" I said and hung up

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2018 ⏰

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