Part 3

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Ginger: *checks phone* hey guys! We got another one!

Olivia: really?

Ginger: yup!

Jesse: what's it say this time?

Ginger: it's from mcsmforlife

Lukas: what's it say?

Ginger: um Lukas, can you leave the room for a minute?

Lukas: this sure sounds like what happend when Ivor tried to push Petra

Ginger: it's not, so go!

Lukas: fine *leaves room*

Ginger: first off, does anyone know where Lukas' journal is?

Jess: um, ya.....Why?

Ginger: Jess, you have to read an entry of his journal

Jess: what!? Lukas will kill me if he finds out!

Ginger: not so loud! And no he won't, it's just stuff about your adventures together

Jess: fine *grabs his journal and flips though some pages*

Ginger: anything interesting yet?

Jess: no, you were right Ginger, it's only our adventure-woah!

Axel: what is it Jess?

Jess: it's something that doesn't have to do with the order

Ginger: what does it say?

Jess: *blushes* it says......Everytime I see Jess I feel butterfly's in my stomach. Her emerald eyes are the most beautiful thing in the world. I just want to hold her, but I'm worried she doesn't love me like I love her.

Everyone: ooh!!!!

Jess: s-shut up!

Lukas: *comes back in room* are you guys done-oh

Ginger: Lukas!

Lukas: sorry! Wait, is that my journal?

Jess: u-um.....No

Lukas: what page are you on?

Axel: *takes book form Jess* 110

Lukas: *blushes a crimson red*

Ginger: well! Um, that's all for today folks! Hope you enjoyed! And sorry for not posting in a while. I've been pretty busy! Well, Lukas and Jess may try and avoid each other for a while until they calm down. Right Jeff?

Jeff: ya, sure.......

Ginger: bye! *turns off camera*

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