The Ocean's True Home

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       It's soft... warm...

       Gently glowing lights shone behind my eyelids as something soft brushed against my back. I was floating, somewhere, but the peaceful atmosphere made my confusion... unnecessary, almost as if being confused was too much effort for my slumbering mind.

       It seemed forever and yet no time at all when I began noticing the presence that was always there, and yet not there. It existed, but it didn't. It watched me, and yet paid no attention to me. Who's there? I asked, my mind still clouded and slow. There was no answer for a while, but I felt that attention on me sharpen, the gentle focus becoming more real, more substantial. 

       Me. It said simply. Yea, thanks for the info, I really loved your answer. Who is me? I was getting a little annoyed, my sluggish brain picking up the pace, feeling more, acknowledging the many sensations that surrounded me. The presence reminded me of The Lord of The River, in a way, but it was bigger, older. Wiser. 

       I am me, but the question is, who are you? It murmured, slight amusement in its voice, which I decided was feminine. I was about to rattle off my name, hoping that this presence would give me a straight answer at some point, but I stopped myself when a thought popped into my mind. 

      This is a trick question. She already knows.

       I am also me. Could I be anyone else? The snarky answer rolled off my tongue before I could stop it. I cringed slightly,  expecting anger, but instead I heard amused chuckling. I knew that you were a special one, from the moment you were born. Now that introductions are over and we both know each other, how about you wake up? My eyes snapped open as if someone had struck me with lightning, energy surging through my veins with a vigor I didn't know I possessed. 

       The sea around me was lit by glowing corals of all kinds, ones that I didn't even know existed. Every color that existed (and some that didn't) surrounded me, the light ranging from incredibly vibrant to beautifully soft. Outside the coral's light, it was darker than I imagined was possible. Wherever we were, it was so deep that sunlight never reached the ocean floor. Some of the corals reached at least fifty feet above the sea bed, their branches holding little bulbs of light. Each coral was shaped a little different, but all had one similarity. Whatever color the coral was growing, there was a huge crystal glowing the same color at the base of it.

       When I looked down, I saw some type of seaweed surrounding me, wrapping around my arms and injured tail, which didn't look infected anymore. The wound even looked smaller, the flesh less raw and swollen. The scales on my tail had grown up and invaded my stomach, and I reached back (slowly because my muscles still felt sluggish) to feel them travelling up my spine as well.

       Do you like my home? These are the souls of those who came before you, Oceanum who lived from thousands of years ago to just ten. They are healing you now, making you whole again. They don't know you, but have been watching. They like you, regardless. 

       So are my parents here? I asked. She chuckled again, the sound peaceful and deep. Straight to the point, I see. I knew you were smarter than your idiot of a mentor. Yes, they are here. The seaweed unwrapped itself from my arms and gently pushed me up, where my  comfortably stretched out limbs began waking up, little pins and needles filling my body. The Seaweed here releases a wonderful numbing toxin, which is what made you comfortably sleep for so many days. Your poor body needed it, anyway.

       The current shifted, pushing me gently in a random direction. I dodged creature after creature, all still as stone, all alive as a newborn babe. In front of me, two still corals stood side by side, one a gentle yellow, the other a vibrant purple. Your mother was always the fiery soul, making your father bow to her every whim. It was most certainly the most amusing thing about them, her obvious dominance in their relationship.

       I reached out  and touched my fingertips to the yellow coral, and subtle pictures began to rise to the surface. I saw me as a baby, strong arms holding me, and a beautiful woman with long, jet black hair and the bluest eyes I have ever seen lying still, oh so still, on the surface of the deck of a boat. It felt like she was looking straight at me, straight into my soul. The feelings of love and happiness was overwhelming, and the tightness in my chest meant that I would have been crying if I had tear ducts.

       Dad? I thought to it, and waited for a response.

       None came.

       It doesn't work like that, young one. They are dead, after all. Only their memories and their power remains. Their souls are dormant, deep underground, waiting to be moved on to their next life. Actually, your mother has already been reborn, as a whale somewhere very far away. She has one baby, just born about a month ago. Your father is still waiting. If they chose to give you anything, it would have been decided before they died, and their memories would have shown it to you, so keep your hand on them for a while, and see if they give you something.

       I stayed there for what felt like hours, my right hand touching the yellow coral, my left, the purple. Memories flashed by me, some half formed, some so vivid I almost forgot that I wasn't in the moment. Eventually, the visions slowed, then stopped. The coral that held my mom's memories glowed brighter, the already vibrant purple becoming almost impossible to look at. 

       Jacobi, an unfamiliar but beautiful voice said, I want our baby to have what I had. I want him to have a future, a gift no one else has, a connection with The Ocean that others could only envy. Surely I can give him this? My Father's voice rang out next, stronger, younger, full of vitality and life. Of course you can. If you give it to him, he will have it. The Call is yours, and yours alone. The only problem is, no one can teach him how to use it. Not even Moselle.

       It's fine. She snipped. He'll learn without help. My baby will be smart. I know this.

       Our baby, Laidir. He said gently.

       Our baby. 

       The voices stopped when an unfamiliar warmth flooded my chest and made my mark burn painfully. My gills snapped shut and my body curled into itself as the heat, the pain, flooded through me. It disappeared as quickly as it came, however, leaving my limbs feeling like jelly. Another chuckle rang out through the water. 

       You knew this would happen. I growled, still hunched over. You already had the ability she just gave you, albeit your power was really weak. Her gift strengthened you, so be grateful. She laughed, amusement lacing her voice. You've even used it before, though when, I'm not telling. 

       We stayed still in silence for a while longer, before I finally broke it and asked, So. Now that that's over, are you going to properly introduce yourself? I asked.  

       Oh, I'm sure you already know who I am, don't you? I mean, I've made it pretty obvious. It was my turn to chuckle, and I flipped myself over, facing up toward the endless span of inky darkness.

       Hello, Lady Ocean.

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