I hate you but I don't

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Mave's p.o.v

Our story starts in a uni library.

Boring I know but I can't help that fate decided that everything would change for me in a library. I would much prefer it too have happened in a park on a moonlit night or on a beach on a hot, sunny day but hey life's not a movie.

It was the 12th of November 2013 at 9pm, I was twenty. I had been at uni for about a year and how eventful had that year been! It was probably the most busiest part of my life, sometimes I would find myself hating it and others I would love the feeling of growing up, making my own decisions, living my own adult life. I had made a whole set of new exciting friends with whom I loved hanging out with, I was doing well in my work and courses and I had even been lucky enough to find myself a boyfriend. His name was Tyler and he was one year older than me, we had been dating for half a year. He was funny, friendly, kind and everything I thought I wished for. My whole life and future was looking great however that night in that library changed everything.

I was meant to be going to a party. My friend Alex was holding it in a little hall she had rented for the night, everyone was going but I had bailed at the last minute. I had an exam the next day and I had barely revised but that wasn't really the main reason for my disappearance. You see I hate parties or any loud and noisy place. I get too claustrophobic and there's too much going on for my brain too handle, plus I'm not much of a drinker and non-sober people tend to piss me off.

So thats how I found myself in that library. Alone, sober and unprepared for an exam the following day. When I entered the building there were very few people inside, my guess being that most of them were at Alex's party or having an early night before the tests. I began to search for a book based on early 19th century drama and acting, looking and scanning all of the shelves in the drama section. It took me a while but I finally found it whilst silently thanking god as there was only one left.

I picked it out of the shelf and began to make my way to the sitting area so that I could study when suddenly I felt something collide with me and before I knew it I was lying on the floor. I opened my eyes to see a boy getting up from the floor, he had run into me spilling the water he had been carrying everywhere. I looked down at my shirt and saw that it was completely soaked, sighing I stood up and that's when I noticed my book.

It was completely ruined! The pages had ripped because of how it had landed and it now lay in a puddle of water. The only copy of the only book that was going to make sure that I would pass my exam. This is what pissed me off. What stupid idiot was running around a library with an open water bottle and how dare they ruin my future!

Looking up I opened my mouth to begin my rant on how my whole acting career was now going down the toilet when I found myself at a lost. I thought had never seen him before but the boy standing in front of me with an awkward expression scribbled all over his face looked very familiar, not only that but he was one of the most attractive men I had ever laid my eyes on.

He had sandy blonde hair that was

styled into a sort of semi quiff, he was very tall compared to me and my midget height and he had the bluest, biggest eyes I had ever seen. I found myself staring into them, almost as if I was trapped. I was so caught up in his gaze that it was only after a few moments that he realized that I wasn't going to have a go at him and that I wasn't going to stop staring unless he said something, that he spoke.

"Um... I'm sorry." He mumbled to break the awkward silence I had somehow created. I suddenly stepped out of my trance, realizing what I had just been doing and mentally slapping myself when he began to chuckle. "Like what you see?" I snapped my head back up to look at him almost immediately, my whole opinion changing in one second, I couldn't stand cocky people.

"No actually, I have a boyfriend!" I stated almost proudly as he continued to chuckle.

"Too bad." He joked winking. I scoffed bending down to pick up my now useless book, I wanted to get away from him as soon as possible. He watched me as I examined the book as I was trying to find anyway possible to save just even a tiny bit of it. "You take drama?" He asked.

Instead of replying I shoot him the evils, letting him know that I was angry and very annoyed now that I had gotten over his uncommon good looks. I was about to walk away when he grabbed my hand. "Look you can have mine." He said whilst shoving another copy of the book into my hands and taking my broken version. He took drama to?

"Um..." I began unsure of what to say however before I had the chance to cook up anything clever he interrupted me with a white, pearly smile.

"No need to say thank you, I'm sure I'll bump into you again sometime soon. See you around 'drama girl'." And with that he was gone and I was forced to go back to my boring night of studying, however even though I read the whole book twice hardly anything was taken in, my mind was occupied in thinking about the boy with the big blue eyes.

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