Alone again

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A month later

"Look I have to go, okay?"

"No it's not, we planned this day ages ago, you can't just make other arrangements Tyler!"

We were arguing, Tyler and I, as per usual. We had organized months ago to have a day out together as a couple but he had suddenly told me on the actual day that he had other plans to meet an old friend, this seemed to be something that was happening recently quite a lot.

"Mave, I see you all the time we can do this another day! I haven't seen Ted in almost a year. Just let me go!" He angrily argued as I folded my arms sighing loudly.

"I just feel like we never spent time together anymore! Yes we see eachother everyday but that doesn't count. We are in a relationship and we both have to make an effort! Otherwise it will never work. Do you not want to be with me? Tell me." I shouted as the heat rose to my cheeks. I was extremely annoyed and couldn't help but make a big huff and puff about the whole situation.

Tyler shook his head and rubbed his forehead with his hand, he was wearing a worried expression now. "Of course I want to be with you Mave, it's not like that. This is just a one time thing I promise! I just, well I really wanna see Ted, just let me go and we can do this next week I promise." He said whilst staring at me intently. I knew that it wasn't going to be a one time thing and that even though he had said next week he would cook up some other excuse but for some reason I gave in. What can I say, I thought I loved him. Turns out I didn't really know what love is.

"Oh...okay, just don't be too long okay?" I replied staring down at the floor as I spoke.

"Okay. Thank you." He pulled me in for a small hug which I half returned and then grabbed his jacket and left.

Now I had the whole day alone. Again. I didn't have plans anymore and most of my friends were already out, I couldn't join them because they thought I was busy and it would be too much hassle. I looked out of the window in my dorm at the cloudless, pale blue sky. It was a beautiful, hot and sunny day so instead of feeling sorry for myself and staying cooped up in the small and uncomfortable room that I called home I decided to go outside.

Picking up a pile of books on the way out I opened the door and began to make my way to the local park, trying to make myself feel more positive about the whole situation. Once I arrived I found a nice little tree that was unoccupied, sitting myself down underneath it I took out one of my books and began to read. Reading was my favourite thing to do back then and I always had my head stuck in a book. I loved escaping my life and entering someone else's, letting reality go for a while, it calmed me down. People used to make fun of me at school for reading loads, it was too 'geeky' for them to handle or something. Whatever, they all failed their exams anyway.

I had been reading for a while when I was interrupted "Well look who it is." An all too familiar voice said. Incredibly frustrated and not really in the right mind to talk to anyone I looked up from my book only to be met by those big blue eyes.

"Did you stalk me." I asked as he revealed those pearly whites.

"Is that really an appropriate question to ask in a situation like this or were you trying to come up with something that would seem clever but actually really didn't.

I shrugged my shoulders, "that's a yes then." I stated

"Haha... you're very funny. If you haven't noticed we haven't seen each other for a month, but I did predict this would happen. Either you are very bad at calculating time or you have just been thinking about me so much that it seems like I never left." And the cockiness repeated.

"Hmm... in your dreams." I stood up and plunged my book back into my bag, I then began to walk (well more like march) off hoping that this annoying imposter would not follow. My hopes were not met.

"So, no boyfriend?" He asked mischievously as he trailed behind me. Ignored his question as I continued to walk, hoping yet again, that he would just get bored and leave me be. Again, my hopes were tossed aside. What was up with nothing going my way on that day?

"So, I'll take that as a no. Do you really have a boyfriend or did you just say that too make me jealous? I bet you did, didn't you!?" He commented more than questioned, chuckling to himself as he watched my reaction.

I spun around my cheeks bright red once more, I really disliked this boy and he wasn't helping himself get onto my good side. "Why are you so big headed?" I demanded more than asked. He smirked at me taking a step closer so that it looked as if we were having a staring competition.

"Why don't you answer my questions first 'Drama Girl'?"

"Because I think you already know the answer and you're wasting my time. That's why."

"And why do you think that?"

"Because you're a wind up, you're annoying and attention seeking and I barely know you but I dislike you already. You've been showing your terrible flirting, pathetic comebacks and big mouth to the wrong girl. So now, just leave me alone." When he didn't reply I began to walk off again, determined to find another nice tree and continue my lonely day of reading undisturbed when I heard laughter. He was laughing? I thought that had been quite a harsh yet good speech.

"So its obvious that you do have a boyfriend then. Arguments? Relationship problems? That's why you're in such a bad mood and alone in a park on a day like this." He called after me.

I stopped walking, not quite believing my ears. What had he just said to me?! And how did he guess? I slowly turned around to face this imposter and crossed my arms. I was actually so offended by what he had just said that it took me a few moments to decipher a good response. "You know nothing about me, so stop guessing. And if you haven't noticed you too are alone in a park on a 'day like this' so it isn't all that abnormal 'Stalker boy'. Now if you don't mind go find someone else to follow. I hope I never see you again."

And with that I continued to my quest to find a new tree, leaving the boy with the big blue eyes standing by himself in the middle of the park.

"Just so you know for next time my names not 'stalker boy' its Percy!"


Class was boring me. Class never bores me so I knew something was up but I wasn't sure what. I know thats completely weird as its usually something you would say about a friend, like, 'oh Sally was late too school today, somethings wrong' or whatever but its true, sometimes even I can't make out what my own feelings are.

I came to terms, ages ago, with the fact that I am a very confusing and complicated person. I really don't like to bother with complicated things so I decided that I would just be myself and do what I thought was right instead of attempting to investigate the dark depths of my own mind or whatever you would call it. That would take up too much of my time where I could be doing something much more interesting.

As the teacher babbled on about 'this' and 'that' I caught myself staring out of the window, admiring the water fountain held at the entrance of the uni by the gates. Suddenly a young girl, the same age as me, with silky auburn locks, who was attempting to run in extremely high heels, grabbed my attention. Alex. I tried to hold my laughter in at the hilarious scene that was unfolding in front of me. As Alex continued to run the bell to signal the end of class started to ring. Standing up and packing up my equipment I left the room to meet her outside.

As soon as her eyes met mine I couldn't help but burst out in laughter. Her confused face confirmed that she had no idea of how silly she had looked. "What?" She asked as I approached her.

"Oh nothing, I just think you really should change your shoes for safety reasons!" I said between my laughter.

She looked down at her feet and then began to giggle, "well they are jimmy choo..." she explained before we both burst out in a fit of laughter. She always made me feel better after having a terrible week.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2014 ⏰

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