Mika, Lucifer's new pet!

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"Daddy!" Mika shouted, "Yes pet?" Lucifer replied in a deep voice. Mika came running through the double doors, the doors were heavy so slammed shut behind him. "Can i sit on your lap ... Please?" Mika asks politely, "Yes Pet, good boy" Lucifer replies in a more nicer voice. "Good boy?" Mika asks confused, "You know ... For using your manners!" Lucifer smiles at Mika. Mika walks over to Lucifer rolling his eyes at him. 

Mika purposely places himself on Lucifer's dick, wiggling and shaking his butt as he did so. Lucifer let out a soft moan, "Fuck Mika, S-Stop!" Lucifer demands. "But daddy, your liking it and you know that deep, sexy voice of yours is just going to make me do it even more!" Mika smiles at Lucifer now wiggling about even more. Lucifer is getting harder and harder by the minute, "N-No i aint!" Lucifer moans out, "Don't lie daddy, thats naughty!" Mika squeezes Lucifer's balls as punishment for lying. "Ouch! Mika stop! What was that for?" Lucifer demanded to know, "For lying to me daddy, its naughty to lie!". 

Finally, Lucifer is as hard as hard can be. Mika turns around, "I can help you with that!" Mika winks at Lucifer. 

Cheshire's P.O.V 

Cheshire's ears twitch, she kept hearing noises coming from the throne room as if someone was in pain. She runs to the throne room doors and gives a loud knock. "Oh shi-" Mika squats down behind the throne, keeping himself as hidden as possible. 

"Who is it & what do you want?" Lucifer demanded. "Me my lord, Cheshire. Are you okay my lord, its sounded like you were in pain just a few moments ago" Cheshire questions, "Come in hellhound! Lucifer demands, Cheshire opens the heavy door, "My lord, Where is the filthy half breed?" Cheshire questions. "Hes probably gone for a walk hellhound. Now what is it that you want?" Lucifer demands. "Oh, nothing now, I just wanted to know if you were alright." Cheshire says about to leave, when she suddenly sees something move slightly from behind the throne, probably just one of his slaves, cleaning for him she thinks to her self and leaves. 

Mika runs out from behind the throne now completely naked, he sits himself back on Lucifers lap, tugging at his clothes, 

"What do you want pet?" 


"What pet?"

Mika tugs once again at Lucifers clothes but he doesn't move a muscle, all he does is stare at Mika's naked body. 

"Mmm..." Lucifer moaned, looking at Mika and suddenly getting hard again.


"Mika, I'm going to fuck you so hard!"

"Yes daddy, Yes please!" 

Lucifer strips completely naked, his hard shaft springing up almost instantly. Mika gets down on his knees, "No pet, stand." 

Mika stands up and is turned around and pushed to the ground. 


"Do not worry pet" 

Lucifer rams his huge, solid shaft into Mika's precious arsehole without warning, 

"Daddy, your so big!" Mika says moving around to get use to daddy's size. Lucifer then starts thrusting in and out, harder and harder each thrust he makes. 

"Mmm... Daddy, I'm gunna cum!"

"No pet, not yet! Wait for daddy!" 

Lucifer grabs Mika's hair pulling him back while ramming his shaft deep inside Mika causing him to yelp. 

"Daddy, please? It hurts"

"NO! You must wait for daddy!" 

After a few more hard, pleasurable thrusts, Lucifer finally bursts, Mika could feel his warm liquid inside him. 

"Fuck daddy, Im..."

Mika bursts, white liquid going all over lucifer's floor,

"Mmm.. Thank you daddy!!" 

"We should do this again sometime, huh pet?"

"Yes daddy, I would love too!!" 

Okay, okay.. I know its rubbish, Ive never really written a story before let alone a smut, But i tried my best with some help off my good friend 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2017 ⏰

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