Ch. 2

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Lilith quickly made her way to Lucas' stand and slipped into the back section separated from the rest of his shop. Jayden stood guard, and when he spotted her, he nodded in acknowledgment, stepping to the side. Even then, Lilith had to squeeze past his muscular frame. Jayden's height intimidated even the most rowdy customers.

Lucas was examining a rock at a table. He spoke without turning over his shoulder: "Lilith Talto." This was his way of greeting her. By no means was he like a father, but he acknowledged and somewhat respected her, which was way better than his usual downright hostile demeanor. . "Come and give me your opinion on price, girl."

Obediently, she walked over and looked at the specimen in question, a jewel.

"Fake. See that slight seam running down the side? Decreases value by about 20 bills. If this was real it could go for 150 bills. The gem has a beautiful contrast and prism-like structure."

He grunted his approval and Lilith indulged in a little smile.

"Jayden," he spoke, addressing his son, "find the client who sold us this rock and get our money back."

Jayden nodded and slipped out silently. Lilith shuddered, not wanting to imagine the fright the customer would receive.

Lucas turned around and slid off his glasses. "You never come here for friendship. What is it you want, beansprout?"

Lilith was used to this from the old man and had no issues with saying exactly what was on her mind.

"I need two weeks' worth of food and a pen."

"A pen?" He asked incredulously

"Yes," she replied with certainty. "I'm going to sign up for as a Price Namer."

Lucas just grunted as a response. "Come back tonight before sundown and you can have your food. Oh, and take care of that customer before you leave."

He got up, gave her a pen, and sat back down.

Lilith headed out and nearly gasped as she saw a boy not much older then her lounging against the pole of the stand, his black hair was styled slightly, his icy blue eyes looked bored and amused. He had one leg crossed over the other, a Rich through and through.

What a cocky boy! I've seen him somewhere, she thought to herself, but where? Think think think!

She took a breath. Just follow protocol. Stay calm and follow protocol.
"Are you looking for anything, kind sir?" She kept her head down slightly as she spoke.

"A trinket for my mother's birthday."

Lilith nodded and tried to focus on his words instead of the melodious lilt of his voice . She pulled out a drawer and showed him a few of the choices.

The boy pointed to a small one that was in the shape of a rose, delicate gold leaves ran up the sides. "This shall do greatly."

"That will be 1800 bills."

He pulled out at least 3,000 and this time, Lilith couldn't hold back a sharp inhale. He looked up and she blushed, turning away slightly.

He paid her and she handed him his trinket. "Give my best wishes to you mother." She said politely.

"I will.Thank you for your assistance."

It was then, as the boy strode down the street away from the pawn shop, that she noticed the extra change he had left. With a sigh, Lilith grabbed it and ran off after him.

"Sir!" She yelled, "sir!" When he didn't turn around, she snapped off the heels on her shoes and tucked them into a pocket. She went to go after him but arms grabbed her. A cruel voice carried across the square.

She whipped around, glad that she had pulled her hair into a tight not

Stooping to steal from the prince and register for a job?"

 The prince! That boy was the prince! That's where she had seen him. "No, ma'am. I was returning his change. He left it on the table." Lilith kept her eyes down, not knowing what to expect. 

"You ungrateful wretch," Angel yelled. 

At this point people were starting to gather. 

"You slut! You should be grateful I haven't sold you to a pleasure house again!" she slurred, walked up and slapping Lilith with such force that she stumbled. 

It was then that she noticed her mother's unsteady gait and the dull sheen over her eyes."Angel, you're drunk," she said through gritted teeth. "Please, let's go home." 

Angel ignored her and motioned at the man who still held Lilith's arm in an iron grip. He ripped open the back of her dress and threw her down.

 "Just as you have been gathering your resources, so have I!" Angel pulled out a whip and unfurled it. She raised her arm, and Lilith only had a second to throw up her arms to protect her face before Angel brought the whip down on her body.  She fell, arms bleeding from the studded tips.


And again.

And again.

And again. 

Lilith cried out in pain. She could feel her own blood soaking into her dress. She tried to move away but couldn't. As she let her head fall onto the ground. And as she saw a pair of boots walking towards her, she let go. 

Lilith TaltoWhere stories live. Discover now