Surprise Out the Door

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After the trip I had returned home to find that Leo had already packed up all his things from the apartment just as he had done at the hotel. There wasn't a shred of proof that he had ever been there, or that we had ever been together. I had tried to keep up with the rent payments, but without Leo around to pay for half of it, the payments were just too much for me. I moved back in with my mother and sister. If it wasn't for Ville for keeping his promise to email me everyday and video chat when he could, I don't think I would have survived on my own, at least not without being diagnosed as clinically depressed.

My mother and sister didn't believe me when I told them that we all had gotten free tickets to the HIM concert coming to town, mostly because they hardly had a clue what HIM was. I had told them about meeting Ville and how our arrangement was, but they wouldn't listen to me. They, like myself, thought that it sounded too good to be true. The concert was in town the next day though, so I guess that we would all find out then.


I woke up early on the morning of the concert to my mother knocking on my door. "Wake up Sweetie. Someone is here for you." I grumbled and rolled out of bed. I half expected Leo to be waiting in my living room. He had always promised me that if there was a HIM concert in town that he would take me. I wondered if the promise had faded, just like our relationship had. I wouldn't be surprised if it had. After all, he hadn't talked to me since the screaming match at the concert.

I stumbled out of my room to find, not Leo, but no one in my living room. "Mom, where is he?" I asked sleepily. 

"He's at the door."

"You didn't let him in?"

"I don't know who he is, just that he's looking for you. I wasn't about to let a strange man into my house."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say, mother." I walked over to the door and started to walk outside, only to bump into Ville. I quickly tried to fix my hair and wished that I had the common sense to change out of my pajamas before going outside. "Don't bother with fixing your hair. You already look lovely, darling." Ville kissed my forehead. 

"So that's the guy?" My sister asked as she walked by, eating a bag of chips. "And to think, mom and I both thought that you were making him up this whole time. Oh well..." She said and wandered off.

I went outside and closed the door behind me. "So...what brings you by?" I asked, trying to act as casual as possible."

"I came by to see my favorite girl before the show." I blushed and tried to hide it, but his beautiful eyes seemed to catch it. "Don't hide it; it makes you all the more beautiful." The comment made my face even redder."I decided to come by early so that I might be able to take you on a date to the best place in town. Now, uh, where would that be?"

"There's not really much around here," I answered, embarrassed for my hometown. "There is a really nice beach a few miles outside of town though."

"Then, I don't suppose that you'd like to accompany me there?"

"Of course I would."

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