Most important people

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Jeongyeon Pov.

I woke up with my arms wrapped around Chaeyoung. I smiled and smelled her beautiful hair. "Stop that tickles" she giggles I smiled. "Come on let's go explore its 6 pm we still have time." I got up. "Fine let's leave around 7" she got up. I nod and ran to my room.

I wore a rip tank top with black jeans and sneakers to top it off a cap that Rose got me. I went into rose room and sat on a chair. She came out with a mini skirt and a blouse with a Cardigan and some nice sandals.

She was perfect. I gasp and she turned around and sat on my lap. " look beautiful" I said as I kiss her jaw. "Yoo wanted to explore so let's explore" I whined.

She grab my hand and the crew was there waiting. "Let's go" I whined. She giggles. She told me how her parents would take her to places when she was young.

Sydney was amazing. The people, culture and views were just nice. We sat on a bench eating some chocolate. "This is good" I said. She giggles and grab a napkin and wipe the side of my lips.

I check my phone and it was already 11 pm.
"Okay thank you everyone" the PD said and they left but our mangers stayed. We acted like we were good friends but they don't know that we actually like each other as something else.

We stayed there for a moment and our mangers said it was time to leave. We walk back to our rooms separately. I change. I went to sleep

Rosé Pov

I woke around 8 am and I went to open the door and saw Jeongyeon still asleep. I went to lay down next to her. "Jeongyeon" I said in a cute voice. She made some noises.

"Come on let's get ready.....there's food" and she quickly got up and I laughed and headed to my room to get ready. I went to my normal morning routine but my make up unnies and hair stylist oppa came.

I ask for their opinion since my stylist is with my other members. We decided in an outfit. I put on a dress with sneakers but on. To top it of my favorite bag.

I came out and saw Jeongyeon wearing a red shirt with black jeans and sunglasses. I grab her hand "Let's go" i said. I lead her out. We saw some fans so we decided to sign and talk to them for awhile.

We got into the car. It was 20 minutes drive we finally arrived. It was my parents house it was an average size Home. Nothing special but I could hear Jeongyeon gasp. I smile and grab her hand.

I rang the door bell.


Jeongyeon Pov

We were standing in front. A older women came out. She look similar to rose but with brown hair. She hug her and looked at me.

Rosé translates for us. As we got in I met chaeyoung's family. Her father and her younger sister. Also her two dogs. After we ate Rose showed me her house.

He lead up to her room. A light blue color with gray. A few pictures of her and her family. We sat on her bed. We talk about schedules. I'm all busy for 2 weeks while blackpink isn't promoting.

The camera crew left a while ago. I look at my digital watch and we've been talking for 3 hours. I was very shocked. It felt like time flew.

"What time is it" she asked "Umm 3pm" I answered. She nods. "Let's go I want to show you something" she grabs my hand and she leads outside.

She leads to a park. "I used to go her when I was younger" she said as she sat on the bench facing the fountain. I sat next to her. Not saying anything. We stay like that a few moments. Then she puts her her head against my shoulder and interlock our hands.

I look at my watch and it's been an hour. I phone started to vibrate. "Hello?" I answer "Jeongyeon. We're waiting for you and rose" My unnie Manger said. "Okay we are going back" then I hang the phone and looked a Rose with puppy eyes.

"Our mangers are Wait for us" I looked at her and she nodded. Still holding hands as we walk back.

We said bye to her family. I looked out. Rosé family was nice and very caring. Also her dogs are the cutest. I will need to learn English just for them. They knew a few Korean but I want to learn more about them and chaeyoung.

We arrived at the hotel. Me and rose went to our rooms and we called it a night.


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