Confusion ☾

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"You don't remember me? It's Jin. Your friend."

Did that wolf just.. talk? What? How?

You tried to say something in response, but your mouth opened and no words came out.

At the same time, this would make sense, but not at the same time.

The pads on the left paw had the same crescent moon shape as the necklace he gave you. It was the last thing he ever gave you before he disappeared for no given reason.

The thing is, wolves can't talk, right? Jin was human. He can't be a wolf, there's no way.

"You're not.. Jin. The Jin I knew was a human, not a wolf.." You said, as your hands were shaking.

You refused to believe it was actually Jin. It just couldn't be possible.

"Y/N? Who're you talking to?"

You jumped, startled from the sudden voice that interrupted the scene. The wolf was immediately under the bed, as if he was startled, too.

"O-oh, hey Eunji. I was just.. talking to myself."

She gave you a weird look, but she took it.

"Okay. Well, breakfast is done, whenever you're ready, come out. We'll be eating nearby the fire," She headed out of your room.

Luckily, she didn't see the wolf, you thought.

Sighing, you sat on the bed, trying to figure out what to do about this particular situation. The wolf, who claimed to be your friend, was just looking at you with saddened eyes.

Maybe it was Jin. Maybe it wasn't. You needed more time to think this through, you've just woken up.

Something to eat would probably help.

"Could you.. leave the room so that I can get changed..?" You tried to ask the wolf a question, seeing if he would understand.

He just nodded, and trotted out of the room.

Closing the door, you looked outside your window in the bedroom. The clouds weren't dark, and it didn't seem windy judging by the fact that the trees weren't swaying too much.

You figured you could go without a jacket this morning.

After changing into some fresh clothes, you headed outside to eat.

You got your plate prepared with the food that Eunji made for us.

"Y/N, over here!" Jaehyun called you over to sit next to him.

Heading towards his direction, you forgot about the wolf that was probably still in the house.

"So, we've got the rest of this week to do things. Anything you guys would like to do specifically?" Eunji asked.

"Hm. Well, I was thinking a little bit of fishing, and maybe each night we could do smores? I brought things down to do them both," Jaehyun suggested.

"Good idea, I'll write that down on the list, then," Eunji said.

She wrote a couple things down on the list, a few of her own ideas, and a few of Jaehyun's.

"How about you, Y/N? Anything you'd like to do?"

You weren't paying attention to the whole conversation, because your mind was so focused on the thought of Jin being a wolf.

"Y/N? Hellooo.." Eunji was shaking you to get your attention.

[SEOKJIN] Hybrid: Moonlight ☾Where stories live. Discover now