Duel Harmony

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Tsuna blinked away the remnants of his dream. It had been a good one; filled with laughter and fun with his guardians.

Staring up at his ceiling blankly, he wondered how his guardians were doing. Were they eating right? Were they having enough rest?

Questions like these continued to plague his mind, and Tsuna allowed those thoughts to overwhelm him for just a moment more.

After a few more minutes, he got up and prepared for school. He was in his first year of high school, but was still called 'Dame-Tsuna' by his classmates.

After waving goodbye to Nana, he trudged his way to school. Angry whispers broke out when the school bell rang and the two school idols were nowhere to be found.

The brunet only kept his head down in silence, ignoring the taunting gazes of those around him.

During the school vacation, he had enjoyed training with Kawahira and Kat. But now that it was over, there would no longer be anyone to distract him from his pain.


"Where did Yamamoto-sama and Gokudera-sama go to, Dame-Tsuna?!"

Angry fangirls confronted the brunet as soon as the lunch bell rang, voices shrill as they cornered the poor boy.


The answer was monotone, and caramel eyes remained dull.

Wails rang out as the girls cried out in despair while others smirked cruelly. Tsuna knew that smirk well;i t was one that promised pain.

That was how he found himself in a dark alley, shirt torn and body bruised, his books scattered around him.

Barely registering the pain(he had felt worse from the curse after all), the brunet merely picked up his books and limped home.

"T-Tadaima." He whispered, but was greeted with silence.

No one responded, a clear indication that Nana was not at home.

Despite the sudden pang of hurt he felt, Tsuna breathed a sigh of relief. There would be no need to let Nana to worry then.

After all, the housewife may act oblivious but in reality, she was very sharp. Tsuna couldn't bear to burden her with more of his troubles.

He had seen how sad she looked when Tsuna came home bruised and bloody from a mission, though it was hidden behind a carefree smile.

So maybe, it was a blessing in disguise that there wasn't anyone home to see him in his pitiful state.

But unconsciously, a wave of despair and loneliness hit him when he realised how utterly alone he was.

Tsuna choked out a little laugh, feeling tears sting his eyes and threaten to fall for the first time in months.

Why is it so unfair?

Why is the world so cruel?

I don't want to die to save others!

I don't want to die so young...

I want to live with my guardians happily...

Why must it be me?

And so he sobbed and screamed, venting his frustration.

He cried about his fate, his selfishness and his loneliness.

But then, he gazed at the moon from his bedroom window, and his resolve hardened.

But this way, my loved ones won't get hurt...

They'll all be safe...

They'll be able to see such a pretty moon again too...

I'm dying for them...

If it's for them, then...

It's alright.

Tsuna smiled softly.

His heart, though raw from pain, accepted his fate.


Reborn and the guardians didn't know what happened.

One moment, they were happily eating breakfast with Nono, then another moment an excrutiating pain suddenly hit them.

Feeling bad was an understatement, it was an absolute hell.

Nono watched the scene carefully with his guardians. The expression on the guardians' faces were hauntingly similiar to their own, once upon a time.

Could it be...?

Gokudera was the first to recover. Holding up his dynamite, he scowled in displeasure.

"Show yourself! What did you do to hurt me and the other bastards?!" He exclaimed loudly.

...And was met with silence.

Nono let out a strained chuckle as he gestured for Gokudera to put his dynamite away. Reborn frowned at the hauntingly similiar bout of pain he had felt once with Luce.

"That pain was your sky's pain. He is hurting." Nono explained, his grip on his fork tightening when his own guardian stared at him guiltily. But the man simply gave a reassuring smile to them as he faced Decimo's guardians.

"When I was younger, the same thing happened to me and my own guardians. A sky without his elements will suffer."

Nono had expected shouts of outrage,cries of surprise or even for them to be too frozen to move.

What he didn't expect was his guardians to continue chatting, as if nothing had happened.

"Oh? That's all?"

"I'm sure Tsuna's alright, haha!"

"Hn, the herbivore will always remain weak."

But Nono's guardians trembled in silent fury. That was how they had reacted when they were younger, and it had almost cost Timoteo's life. They had barely made it in time to stop the assassin from blowing Timoteo's brains out.

They prayed for the young don. Hopefully, his foolish elements would realise their mistake and go back to their sky.

After all, a sky alone would hurt the most.

*edited on 26.12.17*
*edited on 03.04.18*
*edited on 18.08.18*

Cursed Sky - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 《COMPLETED》Where stories live. Discover now