*Day 2*

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Hey hey!!! Okay, here's the new part... I don't know... it could be good, or bad... hey at least i updated!!! yay!! haha, anyway, i'm seriously not in the writing mood, i have this reading assignment to do still and i have a lot of family things going on... also, zach's mom's friend is having a wedding and he invited me as his date so i have to find a dress for that and everything... i'll still try to post and everything but no guarentees... i'll stop blabbing now... Enjoy!

*Day 2*

I woke up feeling a little happy and sinister at the same time. Thoughts of how I wanted to kill Asher yesterday flashed through my mind and I laughed. I guess he really got on my nerves yesterday. He just knows exactly how to push my buttons. I'm usually a happy, bubbly person.

My phone rang and played 'Animal' by Ke$ha. I hummed the tune while I went to get it. The caller I.D. read that it was 'Blakey'. I smiled and picked up.

"Hey," I said in a totally perky voice.

"I see you're excited to hear from me," Blake said, laughing.

"Of course I am," I said.

"Great, then forgive me for what I'm about to say next," he said, sounding a bit strange. I narrowed my eyes even though I knew there was no way he'd be able to know.

"Spit it out, Blake," I said, growing impatient. Blake took a deep breath and there was a silence.

"I'm not going to be able to give you a ride so Asher is going to," he rushed. I was able to hear though and I was practically steaming with annoyance. I'd rather walk than ride with Asher. I usually don't hate people, it's such a strong word, but really, I think I hate Asher.

"No," I said simply.

"Come on, Emily. It'll be today only," he said.

"No," I repeated.

"Em, don't be so difficult. You don't have a ride otherwise," he said.

"Blake Dane Brookes, I can ride the bus. I'm not riding with Asher," I said, fully determined.

"I'm not letting you ride the bus, Emily," Blake said, sounding exasperated. I sighed. If it made him happy, then maybe one ride with Asher would be okay.

"Only one ride?" I asked.

"Only one ride," Blake confirmed. I sighed again.

"Alright, but he better be on time," I warned.

"Cheer up, Em. I'm not happy about this either," Blake said. "I'll see you at school."

"Bye," I said and hung up. One ride. I think I can survive one ride with Asher and that he'd still be alive to bang those sluts.

I took a quick shower and tied my hair in a ponytail before slipping into a black V neck and lime green skinny jeans. I applied eyeliner, mascara, and cherry flavored lip gloss. I slipped on my lime green Vans. I puckered my lips and hurried down the stairs. I'm not much of a breakfast person so I usually skip it. I know, I know. Most important meal of the day. You know what I think? Important meal my butt!

After waiting for a good 10 minutes on my porch, Asher finally came and honked. I rolled my eyes and pulled my bag with me and slid in the passenger seat.

"You're late," I said, annoyed.

"Hun, you should be glad I picked you up at all," he said. I groaned. He laughed and drove towards school.

"Asher, will you stop?" I asked. Just a few seconds after we drove, he started to buzz and tap his foot loudly.

"Does it bug you?" he asked. No shit, Sherlock!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2010 ⏰

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