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"Come sit next to me." Kairi said to the slightly taller silver haired boy. Riku simply nodded and did as he was told. It was easier that way since him and Kairi had been friends since they were 5. She was always bossy. "Alright class we have a new student today, I want you all to welcome him with open arms." Their teacher Sid said in his usual tone with a toothpick between his teeth. The man motioned for the new boy to walk in. The first thing Riku noticed was his spiky brown hair and those bright blue eyes. He was rather short and he had a peachy complexion. Yet he looked really shy. Everyone soon began to whisper about the boy. Riku sighed, god the kid had barely walked in and now they were spreading rumors already. "Everyone say hello to Sora." Sid said. "Hello Sora." The other kids said. Sora smiled and started to make hand gestures. "What's the matter with him?" Yuffie whispered to Leon rather loudly. "I don't think he can talk." Leon said. "What a weirdo." Tidus said. Sora frowned and looked down. "Sora you can go find a vacant seat and class will begin." Sid said. Sora nodded and began to look around for a seat. Kids began to shun him. "Hey Riku cover up your seat before your sit up with the weirdo." Kairi whispered to him. Riku pulled out the chair for him. "You can sit here." Riku said smiling friendily at Sora. The new boy smiled and sat down next to Riku.
"I'm Riku by the way." Riku said and offered the boy his hand. Sora smiled and shook it.

At Lunch

"Ugh Riku why'd you sit with the weird kid?" Kairi said. Riku rolled his eyes. "He's not weird he's actually really nice." Riku said. "Whatever. Oh god he's coming over." Tidus said. Sora sure enough was making his way to the table. The others soon tried to squeeze in so Sora couldn't sit with them. Riku watched Sora look sadly at them all and go sit at a table all alone. Riku felt anger fill him at his friend's behavior. He stood up with his lunch in hand abruptly. "Riku don't. " Kairi started to say but Riku ignored her.

Sora sadly started to pick at his lunch. "Is this seat taken?" He heard a familiar voice ask. He looked up and was met with the familiar form of Riku. Sora shook his head and Riku sat down next to him plopping his lunch down. Sora felt a bit shy and he glanced at Riku's friends who looked upset. "Don't worry." Riku said. Sora nodded though he felt somewhat at fault and thought truly that Riku was really just felt pity for him. "You want this?" Riku asked him breaking him out of thoughts with a huge chocolate chip cookie. Sora grinned happily and greatfully as he ate his half. "So where'd you live before you came to Destiny Island?" Riku asked. Sora thought a moment before he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote down a name then gave it to Riku. Who smiled.
" Radiant Gardens, that's a pretty place." I told him he smiled and nodded. " That's pretty far away too. Did you have any friends back there?" I asked. He shook his head. I frowned a bit but then a idea came to my mind. "Well I'll be your friend." I told him. He smiled so wide that he reminded me of the Cheshire cat.

Soon lunch was over and we went back to class where we kept talking. Soon the school day came to a close and everyone left. "Do you have a way home?" I asked him. To which he shook his head. "Where do you live?" I asked. He wrote down the address and I smiled. " That's near where I live. I can give you a ride there." I said. He rose his head up confused. But I smiled and grabbed his hand leading him outside. I had gotten a new bike for Christmas. I sat down on the seat and had Sora sit in front of me. I soon began to pedal fast down to our street. Sora was looking around. "You alright Sora?" I asked. He nodded smiling at me. He looked like he was having fun. Soon we were at his house and I let him down. "Here we are. Hey maybe we can hangout tomorrow." I said. He nodded excitedly. "I'll come over tomorrow then in the morning and we can ride up to school." I said smiling. He nodded. I pat his head. "Bye Sora." I said peddaling off. He waved bye back.

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