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I realised half way through Chapter 1 is in 1st person Riku's perspective. Lol I'm so sorry for this mistake, I usually write all of my stories in 1st person. So from this point on it will be 1st person from Riku's perspective.


"Did you do the homework?" I asked him. He looked down guilty. "It's alright, I can give you my answers." I said to him. He smiled gratefully to me. I chuckled and pat his head. It'd always been like this when we were kids. Sora was my best friend and I wasn't ashamed to admit that. Yet now here we are in high school Freshman year. "Riku can I borrow your notes?" I was asked by some girl. I think her name was Selfie or something. I shrugged and passed them to her. She held onto them blushing and walking back to her friends who were congratulating her or whatever. Sora looked up from his work and smirked. "What?" I asked. He just shrugged and went back to the work. That's been happening for while now, I know I'm attractive but still I didn't understand what the deal was.
"Riku." I heard a familiar voice call. I frowned. 'Oh great it's her.' I thought annoyed. "Hey Kairi." I said. Kairi now stood in front of me giving me a flirty smile. "Riku wanna go to the movies after school? They've got this new movie that I think you'd like." She suggested to me. " I can't, me and Sora are going to the library school." I said. Sora looked up confused but I gave him a look to which he nodded. "Can I come with you guys?." She asked. " Sorry but no." I said. Kairi gave me a pouty look. " Why can't I come?" She asked sounding frustrated. " We're studying today." I said. "Sora why don't you just go home today, I'm sure you don't need to study anyway."she suggested. " I mean you wouldn't mind. Would you?" She asked. He barely got enough time before she clapped her hands happily. " Excellent! Thank you Sora!" She said. He looked away and then passed me my paper done with the answers.

After school

I walked outside with the usual crowd of girls around me who kept talking to me at once. I looked back and noticed Sora who had a odd look on his face. He walked past me. " Hey Sora wai-" I was interrupted by Kairi. "C'mon Riku let's go." She said smiling at me. Soon the crowd had dispersed. Yet I couldn't stop looking at Sora. As I wondered what was wrong with him?

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