Y/n's death?

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Chapter ten:
*In the hospital.*
Jack and Jonah stayed with you all the time, changing turns with Corbyn and Daniel from time to time. Zach never came. He was with Aubrey, his new "girl".
(A few days pass and you slowly recover, the boys went back home to freshen up then come back.)
*Zach comes to the hospital for the first time to check up on you.*
Doctor: Who are you looking for?
Zach: I'm searching for Y/n, do you know in which room she is?
Doctor: I have some bad news for you...
Zach: What is it? Is she okay?
Doctor: I'm sorry to say this, but she passed away... we all thought that she was recovering, but her heart stopped beating... it all happened too fast, we tried reviving her, but nothing worked... I'm sorry.
Zach: I don't believe this. I can't live without her. She's the love of my life.
*Zach starts crying and calls the boys to come to the hospital.*
*the boys come and they hear the news*
Corbs: That's impossible, she's a strong gal.
Jack: I can't believe that she's dead.
Jonah: We just have to be strong, she wouldn't want us to be sad, she's in a better place now guys...
They go back to the Why don't we house all crying not knowing what to do.
Years have passed, and Zach was still depressed, he left Aubrey as soon as he heard that you died, but he's never been the same.
Everyone noticed it, the boys, but mostly Zach's family and the fans..
*6 years later*
Zach's pov.
Y/n is supposed to be 21 right now... I'm 22, Jack and Daniel are 24 and Corbyn and Jonah are 25. I miss her so bad... Y/bff/n came to us and stayed here with Jack for a few years now, her and Y/n are like one person, I see y/n in y/bff/n.
*The news comes up*
Reporter: The pop sensation Y/n has officially passed 50 million followers on Instagram, let's roll a clip of her saying thanks:
*Video plays*
Y/n: Hi guys! I just wanted to say thank you so much for 50 million followers! I couldn't have done any of this without you all! Love you so much!
*Video ends.*
The boys look at each other with their mouths open.
The boys and y/bff/n: Y/N?!
Zach: Y/N'S ALIVE?!
To be continued...

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