Chapter 2

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I am glad that you made it. I was hoping you would make the right choice and make it here. I'm also quite impressed that you made it here in time. I wasn't sure that your fat self could carry you this far and that fast. You showed some great strength.

Anyways, let's get on with this. You will probably be at the cabin for a few days. As you can see there isn't much there. There is no bed or sleeping apparatus for you, so you will have to make your own, or you can sleep on the floor. It is your choice. Just know that I won't be supplying you anything; everything will be done on your own volition.

Your first task that you must do for me is cook me a nice home-cooked meal. You will have 2 hours to complete this. The fridge is packed with lots of food and the cabinets have some as well. Make me something good and something filling. You will then take the meal and go outside and find the table that is about 100 yards west of the cabin. Place it on the table and then go back inside the cabin and do not watch. You must not see me. If I catch a glimpse of you seeing me in any way, Ryan will be dead!


Your Lover


I swallowed and got to work on trying to make a meal. But what was I going to make? I rarely ever cooked and when I actually did it really wasn't that great at all. I was a pretty bad cook. This was going to be a disaster. What the hell was I going to do?

I went to the kitchen and began looking through the refrigerator and the cabinets to try to get a sense of what I could actually make. I was clueless. I was terrible at thinking on my feet, not to mention that since I barely cooked I had no idea at all of what was even good to make, or how I would make it.

I sighed as I searched through the fridge. There were packages of chicken, ground beef, steaks, and a few other meats that I didn’t recognize. There were a few vegetables, mainly just carrots and onions, and a few red delicious apples. I didn’t figure combining all of them into one dish would be a good thing, but maybe there was some way to make use of all of this.

I sighed and moved over to my left and opened up a few cabinets. There were a few different kinds of chips, a bag of potatoes and a box of crackers. It wasn’t much, but I took the potatoes out figuring that there would be some use for them somewhere. Since people always talked about meat and potatoes as being a basis for a good meal, I figured that I couldn’t go wrong if I tried that.

I mentally listed things I could make. Steak with mashed potatoes and gravy? No, I had no idea how to make gravy. Steak and some sort of fries or potato chip? I didn’t really know how I could make fries or potato chips. I cursed at myself out loud. I covered my mouth embarrassed at the shameful things that had just come out of it. What was going on with me? What was I becoming? And how was I going to get out of this mess?

I leaned my back against the counter and slid down in defeat. I couldn’t do this. I didn’t know how to cook. I couldn’t complete the tasks that were set in front of me, and that meant I was going to have Ryan killed, plus likely myself. Why could I do?

I stared off into space for what I was certain was a few minutes. I shook myself out of it and finally realized what my eyes were staring at. The oven. It was a boring old and plain oven. It was off white and even a bit discolored from use and time. It was probably the ugliest thing my eyes had ever seen.

“Baked potatoes!” How could I have been so stupid? It was right in front of my face the entire time. All I needed to do was open my mind and realize that the answer was there. I now finally had a use for the potatoes.

My mind then finally began to work and get into gear. I searched the cabin and found a small little grill. It was an electric one and not a barbeque like I would have liked, but it would have to do for cooking the steaks.

I would cook up the onions and the carrots to go on the side with the steak to give it a little bit of flavor so that it wasn’t just a steak, considering the fact there was no steak sauce and I had no idea how to make gravy.

I set the plan into action as I turned the oven on and then rubbed the potatoes with some olive oil and sea salt before placing them in the oven. It was the way my mom had always made them. I never knew exactly why she did it, but they always tasted good so I figured I might as well try it.

I cooked for the next while. It took an hour to bake the potatoes so I’d moved on to the steaks and tried to find something to marinate them with, but didn’t find much. I had to just resort to a dry rub because I could only find seasonings, but there wasn’t even a whole lot of that.

The potatoes were nearly done and the steaks were coming along. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure how he would like his meat cooked so I decided to make both steaks and cook them at about medium rare and about medium well hoping that at least one would come pretty close to what he wanted.

After everything was cooked up, I put it all on the plate. I tried to make it look semi-pretty, but I didn’t try too hard. There wasn’t much that would make it look nice so there wasn’t a whole lot I could do.

I swallowed as I began my walk out of the cabin and toward the table that I was assigned to put it at. I knew I couldn’t mess up or I would put both my life and even more so, Ryan’s life, in limbo.

I set the plate down and resisted the urge to look around to see if I could see the man, or whoever was doing this to me. He had made it clear that I wasn’t supposed to see him so I really didn’t want to risk anything, even though my first reflex was to scan my surroundings.

I said a silent prayer and then turned and walked as quickly as I could back into the house and took a seat on the floor in the far corner from the door. I wanted to be able to see all of my surroundings and be able to see any person entering or exiting the cabin. I was scared out of my mind. I had no idea what was going to happen.

I did the only thing that I knew to do, even though I had hardly done it since this whole mess began. I prayed. I prayed hard. I prayed harder than I ever had in my entire life. I was beyond scared. I needed something. I needed someone. I needed rescued. I needed out of this. I needed Ryan back. I just wanted to go home and get my life back. That’s all I wanted. And I prayed for help and safety and all of that.

And with that I slowly began to curled up in a ball as I drifted off to sleep.

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