Request; Techno and Munchkin

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So there's the main thing. I have a lot of explaining to do, so let me get on to that.

If you can see already, the rock they are both standing on is heart shaped. *wink wink nudge nudge*
Munchkin is having one of her senpai moments bc Techno is being all serious again.
That rainbow river is there to represent the happiness of a relationship, and then it's broken by that giant black obelisk, showing how Techno's seriousness (the obelisk.) can possibly damage the relationship. (The rainbow.)

The purpose of the piece is to look chaotic but at the same time have meaning.

And Munchkin is demoning it out over there with the fire eyes and fangs.

Overall, it was fun and awesome to draw. (Except that I lost my hand while coloring that darn obelisk and had to sew it back on.)


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~ stay frosty mis amigos

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~ stay frosty mis amigos

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