Our love story

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I walk in my house home from school, and check my phone. I see one message, and its from the only girl I care about Michaela. It reads "See if you can come over my parents said you can." I ask my parents, and luckily they say yes. I ride over to her house and see her waiting on the porch for me. "Hey James" she says running to me. "Hey Michaela" I say back. We go inside and go to her room. I know what you're all thinking ooh he's going to her room. Get your head out of the gutter. We turn the wii on and go to Netflix. She picks Star Wars Episode 1 and we cuddle and watch the movie. I do my best Yoda impression. She must like it because she calls it cute. Halfway through the movie her dad comes in and asks us if we want anything to eat. He gives me this "be careful" look. Dads are always trying to scare their daughters boyfriends, and this time it worked. But we were both hungry so we said yes. So we ordered a pizza because we both love pizza. We finished the movie so we took a walk outside. We walked to this abandoned place behind her house. We hadn't had our first kiss yet so i decided now was as better than never. So I just kissed her. I didn't even think I just kissed her. The only thing that scared me is what she would think about it.

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