Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Iris's POC

I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there, extremely happy.

James and I were kissing.

My mind was pretty much all abj;kalaoznK@/@k&o98ikkaiaj JIRIS. (Yea, I'm fangirling over my own relationship. Get over it peasant.)

Usually, I'd be scared of going into this place. It's an old a abandoned place that had burnt down years ago. There were people who said it was "haunted", but I didn't believe that. Well, at least I acted like it. But, even if I didn't believe those rumors, I'd still stay away. It had a creepy feeling. Like, I'm pretty sure that those doors you see in The Nightmare Before Christmas is out here cause that's how abandoned it is. No one comes out here. I mean, unless they were hiding a body. This would be a nice place to hide one. Plus, no one would look here because no one comes out here.

Anywho, with all the talk about dead bodies aside, I felt safe with James. Like, there could be a person hiding a dead body right now and I wouldn't even care because I felt that safe.

Why does my mind always go to dead bodies? It's quite disturbing. I really should stop thinking about that.....

After who knows how long, James finally pulled back. I really couldn't help but to giggle.

I'm a scene kid.

I love to giggle.

James smiled shyly. I knew he wasn't to sure about kissing me. It's been a topic we've discussed many of times. Trying to reassure him, I stood on my tip toes (curse my shortness) and kisses his cheek, then grabbed his hand.

"Come on. Lets go home."

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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