Percy mates/lovers( if you don't like then get the f*** on some were)-Alex Cullen / cold vampire
- Athena/ goddess of wisdom,war,useful arts, and battle strategy
-Artemis/goddess of the moon,the hunt,and young maidens
-Aphrodite/ goddess of love and beauty
-Akhlys/ goddess of misery
-Amphitrite/ goddess of the sea and consort of the god Poseidon but not no more 🤣🤣
-Asteria/ goddess of stars and the immortal to live with men
-Achlys/primordial of misery
-Ananke/ primordial of compulsion
-Bonnie Bennet/witch
-Bianca do Angels/ daughter of hades
-Clarisse la Rue/daughter of ares
-Caroline Forbes/ vampire
-Chaos/primordial of the universe
-Cleo/H20 mermaid
-Demeter/ goddess of agriculture
-Esme Cullen/cold vampire
-Elena Gilbert/vampire
-Elpis/ goddess of hope
-Eos/ goddess of the dawn who bring new hope of the day
-Eris/ goddess of strife,discord,contention, and rivalry
- Eirenna/ goddess of peace
-Emma/ H20 mermaid
-Freya/ goddess of love , beauty,fertility, war, wealth , divination and magic
-Gaia/ primordial of earth
-Hera/ goddess of marriage, mother, and families
-Hestia/ goddess of the hearth and fire
-Hebe/ goddess of youth
-Hecate/titan goddess of magic
-Hazel Levesque/ daughter of Pluto
-Iris/goddess of rainbows and messenger of the gods
-Irina Denali/ cold vampire
-Jane Volturi/ cold vampirie
-Khione/goddess of winter and snow storm's
-Kymopleia-kym/ goddess of oceanic
-Kate Denali/cold vampire
-Katherine Pierce/vampire
-Keto/goddess of sea
-Marai/primordial of fate
-Maia/goddess of spring and the eldest and most beautiful of all atlas seven daughter's.
-Nike/goddess of victory
-Nemesis/goddess of revenge
-Nyx/primordial of night
-Nesoi/primordial of island
-Pompona/ roman goddess of plenty
-Persephone/goddess of the harvest
-Piper McLean/demigod of Aphrodite
-Physis/ primordial of genesis
-Phusis/ primordial of nature
-Queen Foxxie/snow wolf from the De's clan
-Rosalie Hale/cold vampire
-Rebecca Mikaleson/original vampire
-Roxxy Kill/demon from Tartarus
-Stephanie Creenie/mermaid of the green clan
-Tyche/goddess of good luck and fortune
-Themis/goddess of divine justice, order ,customs , and have the gift to give prophecy
-Victora/ cold vampire~~~~~~~•~~~~~~•~~~~~~•Creatures/Pets•~~~~~•~~~~~~•~~~~~•~~~~•
Color:White and purple
Animal: Monkey
Color:Blue and black
Eye: white
Gender:maleName: Skip
Animal: gorilla
Color:gray and blue
Eye:light blue
Color:yellow and white
Color:gold and green
Eye:light green with hazelnut speak s
Percy Jackson new life (Betrayed)
FantasíaDeath is not the end, Death can never be the end, Death is the road, Life is the traveller, And the soul is the guide. Life: why do they love me but hate you? Death:because you are a beautiful lie and I am a painful truth. Percy hard life take a tur...