•~chapter 5!~the saka-wat-i's~•

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Hiyaaaa Ma loviesssss I wanted to say sowwy for not updating I've been having a writers block but for apologizing I'm updating with 5 chapters!!! On each of my published books!! But I'll be publishing 2 chapters on each book and the other 3 later on!!! I hope ya lovely senpais happy but I've literally been doing nothing but drawing, sleeping and eating mochi (cannibalisim at its finest!👌👌) and playing video games!! But imma updating all ma books so stay tuned ma bubies!!!!
Walking back to my temporary home, Shang kicked the door open making me pity the dented door once more as he stumbles lazily to the couch dragging his feet and he collapsed onto the white comforter making me roll my eyes "Shang we gotta have tea" I said softly making him prop himself onto his elbows kicking his legs side to side "hmmmmm MAYBE I'll make FRIED BREAD, CREAM POWA AND STUFFING!!!" he exclaimed basically drooling at the thought of the said food "e-eh whats fried bread, cream power and s-stuffing??" I asked quietly making him basically do an exorcist 180 degree head turn making me jump slightly but laughing it off "YOU'VE NEVER HAD STUFFING AND CREAM POWA AND FRIED BREAD BEFORE!!!?? YO MOCHI IS MAKING SOME RIGHT NOW!!!!" He screeched inhumanly picking his wallet and phone up and sprinting out the door with inhuman speed making me laugh at his childish behavior (a/n: if you haven't had stuffing and fried bread and cream powa yo mochi will come all the way from New Zealand to make it for ya, LIVE DA AOTEROUA MĀORI LIFEU!!!!!!)

Walking up the steers of Shang's house while scratching my neck I looked at the pictures that hung up in the wall smiling at them seeing that before Shanghai became a vampire he was quite a shy adorable kid seeing one of two boys the shorter one of them having long brown hair tied in a plat and big brown eyes reconicing him to be the adorable, chubby fetus Shanghai making me chuckle as his mouth was stuffed with mochi and the other boy had short messy red hair and emerald green eyes making me awe at the powerful color, they seemed to be quite happy with each other, baby Shang grinning to his hearts content looking closer to see Shang hadn't had his fangs yet meaning he wasn't a vampire yet looking at the other boy I see that he has fangs and looking at his glowing eyes to see that they have slits making me open my mouth slightly 'that boy must be a vampire too!?' I thought as I walked up to our shared room and looked at the photos on the wall on showing Shang with 12 other guys, shangs hair brushed to the side covering his right eye his hair his old burgendy color, his height shorter then all of the other boys making me snifle a laugh (a/n: yoU hAVing a liTTlE ChEEky GiGGle tHeRe M8 iLL FuKK yOU uP💯😂👌) looking closely I see that Shanghai is next to two red heads one of them looking like an older version of the boy from the previous photo while the other looking like a twin of the other only having longer hair, slightly smaller eyes and a killer fedora on top of his soft looking hair, next to the twin looking guys were a albino guy and a blonde haired guy, the albino looking a little tough while the blonde looking really tired making me chuckle thinking of Shanghai screaming at them telling them to get into the photo. Looking on top of them to see the guy with black hair and glasses behind shanghai recognising him as the guy shanghai talked to in the mall, while beside him was a guy that look somewhat similar to Shanghai but only with purple hair and eyes while they wear next to another raven, a really tall brunette, a blonde with two different colored eyes and a navy hair boy with a crimson burrai on while a sand haired boy with and eye patch and glasses stood at the back with a guy with long white hair, his mouth covered by a black scarf (a/n: damn Shin boi you must have some carp af vision to need both an eye patch and glasses😂) 'hmmmm his family maybe??' I thought as but shook my head seeing that all the boys except Shang were Asian looking most probably being Japanese while Shang is Māori and French. I stepped back admiring other pictures it seemed that Shang was good friends with the two red heads, and the 3 shortest seeing heaps of pictures of them all covering the wall making stupid faces making me laugh but jump as Shang bolted through the room his hair back to his natural color making me tilt my head thinking fetus shanghai made his way into the future "HEZHEZ ya like my hair?! I got it dyed to my natural color!!!" He exclaimed posing every second making me chuckle "y-you know your hair w-will fall out if you keep dying it" I said laugh slightly as Shang sloughed, his lip quivering "N-NO YOU MEANIE!! W-WHATEVER lets get down to the kitchen to make the BEST MĀORI FOOD EVER!!!!" He shouted pumping his fist in the air before grabbing my hands and running down to the kitchen.


As Shang finished making drinks for us he brought them out along with the new food. As he plated up the food I brought up a topic " hey Shang. Can I ask you a question?" I asked as I chewed on some fried bread making my mouth water 'he was right! These are delicious!!' I thought as Shang nodded hyperly "the picture in your hallway and in your room, in the hall way it has you with another boy and in the room your with a bunch of guys. Who are they?" I asked as I ate some more fried bread. "Oh! The one in the hall way is of me and a friend named Ayato, he's the 4th son from the Sakamaki family, the people you'll be staying with! I've known Ayato and his brothers since I was a kid! Before I was a Vampire! They've changed quite a bit since they were kids I mean, pubity hit them all like a  plane carrying a train!! But there all so salty now! Oh and the picture in my room that's all the brothers! The Sakamaki's, Mukami's and Tuskinami's!!! But Kino didn't want to be in the picture!! Such a brat!!!" He exclaimed as we ate more 'hmmm so those are the guys I'll be staying with?? Hope everything goes smoothly!!'

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