Chapter 23

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Emma's POV

Regina and I walk together while Robin and Will go ahead to scout the forest. Rociante softly snorts and nudges my shoulder on one side of him until I give him a pet, then turns to Regina for the same. I smile at her over Rociante's back, feeling so much love and overwhelming appreciation for having Regina by my side, knowing she loves me too. The guilt and disgust is still deep down inside, but my new heart is overpowering those feelings, for now at least.

The sun is just setting in the sky as we arrive in Sherwood Forest. I immediately recognize the healthy green trees and canopied forest and I pick up the pace, excited to get back to my roots.

"Smell that fresh air, Em? Know what that means?" Robin tosses back over his shoulder with a knowing smile.

"We're here!" I say excitedly as I hear the babbling stream nearby, signaling we are close to our camp.

We quickly unpack everything, glad to see we arrived before sundown. "Shall I check our old traps?" Robin asks as he sets his things beside his tent. "Think there'll be anything good to snack on?"

I roll my eyes playfully, knowing the other merry men will have kept up on them since we've been away. I lead Regina over to my tent, ducking inside to see everything is still as it was when I left it. I toss my bag on the floor and sit on my cot, slightly embarrassed by the size and how very little things are about. To my surprise, however, Regina is looking around her in wonder and awe.

"It's not much." I shrug and glance around. "But it keeps me warm and gives me some privacy away from the men."

Regina sits beside me, a smile gracing her face. I swear, every second she becomes more beautiful. I could never tire looking at her. "It's homey. Much more ideal than my big empty castle."

I look down at the cot we're on. "I suppose I should find us another cot. It's too small for both of us."

Regina puts her hands out in front of her and concentrates on her magic. A bigger cot replaces the one we are sitting on, big enough for two and more comfortable than my old one. I lie back against the few pillows, a playful smile on my face. "So I'm sure Robin and Will are going to want to go to the tavern. We could go along if you want." My fingers trail up her thigh, stopping at the hem of her pants. "Or we could stay here. Have some alone time..."

Regina leans forward, a smirk upon her face as she kisses me slowly. "Staying here sounds wonderful... but I think your men would like to see how you are. And I would like to visit this tavern you had so much fun at. I can beat up any men that dare look your way."

"Careful, Your Majesty. These men know how to hold their own," I warn her.

Regina grips my hips tight and gives a playful nip to my bottom lip. "So do I."

I blush as I realize she's talking about me. Footsteps come closer to our tent and Regina pulls back. I hear Robin clear his throat before he gives his signature whistle. Normally, he would just poke his head in and see what I'm up to like the rest of the men, but now that Regina is here he knows to respect my privacy. That, and he probably heard us almost fraternizing in the woods.

"What's up, Robin?" I call out loud enough for him to hear.

"Will and I were about to head to the tavern if you and Regina would like to join us. Unless you—uh—from personal experience I can say a quiet forest at night makes certain activities a lot more enjoyable."

I wince as I realize what he's talking about. It's like he's trying to give me "the talk" a few years too late. "Alright, Robin, we're coming!" I yell, praying he will let the matter drop.

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