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"Chosen is reaadyyy." The woman said.

"Hes got purpose!" The guy said as we shook hands and laughed.

"What is the name of the iconic dance Chunk does at the beginning of The Goonies?" The woman asked.

I sprung out my pen and jotted down, truffle shuffle.

"Oh no!" Jack said covering his face.

Chosen started writing.

Jack wrote down his answer.

"Okay Chosen what you got?" The guy said.

"I said mashed potatoes." Chosen said laughing.

I giggled myself.

I held up my board and said "TRUFFLE SHUFFLE BABYYY." Laughing.

Jack sprung up and started jumping as he said, "Yes I got truffle shuffle!"

We all laughed.

"In what Jack Black movie does he play the author of a popular kids book series?" The woman said.

Jack quickly started writing as so did I.

Chosen took a moment to think.

After we all got our answers the guy said, "Okay answers, Grace"

"Oh well, I said goosebumps?" I said.

"I said school of rock." Jack said shaking his head.

"Oh I guessed goosebumps, same as Grace." Chosen said.

"You guys got it!!" The girl said.

I smiled and stuck my tongue out at Jack.

"Okay last question, what Batman comic book villain is played by Cillian Murphy in Batman Begins?" The woman said.

Chosen immediately started writing.

Jack didn't know.

"Okay, Chosen?" The man said.

"I said scarecrow?" Chosen said.

"I said the same thing." I said.

"You guys got it!" The woman said.

Jack got up.

"Well bye guys!" He said standing up.

"What did you put?" The girl asked laughing.

"The riddler?!" 

"Bye Jackieeee." I said as he walked over to the blue sofa with Wyatt.

"Alright so our next competitor, introducing next representing the losers club...he's, Big bill! Jaedennnn Lieberherrr!" The man said as he walked out of the red curtains.

He was holding a red balloon and stood in front for a second looking left to right.

I giggled a bit.

He walked over to the table we were at and let go of the balloon.

He gave me a quick hug and shook Chosen's hand.

I was in the middle, and Chosen was on my right.

"Oh shoot." Chosen said laughing.

Jaeden went up to his mic and whispered, "Hi.."

We both laughed.

"Alrighty, Chosen, Jaeden, Grace, you guys ready to go?" The man said.

Jaeden and I nodded our heads as Chosen just replied yes.

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