Chapter 6 - He Knows

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Edward's POV

I was studying some documents when Louis returned from Lady Arielle's mansion. He entered my study with a pot of fresh tea, and waited for me to ask him to be seated.

"Please sit, Louis," I gestured to the chair opposite of me as my eyes finished scanning the final few lines. "Now," I looked up at him, "what did she say?"

"She said she would be honored to join you, your highness." He says as he sits.

I nod. "Good. Now, about the other matter." I look at him anxiously. His answer could change everything. If she left the city because she did something wrong, I'd be forced to terminate our current relationship. If someone wronged her, I'm not sure how I would handle that situation.

"I did, sire." He took a deep breath in. "When I spoke with her, she would not give any hints as to her move, however, she did get a sad and almost painful look in her eyes when the subject was brought up. Later, I spoke with her butler, and he spoke very highly of her."

"How does that help?"

"It doesn't. However, I did have a talk with the butler that serves the family of Lord Bartley. According to him, Bartley's son, Denis, ended the courtship after an argument due to the Duchess Arielle being too 'ready for a marriage.' He claims she was too eager to wed."

"Are we talking about the same Duchess? The Lady Arielle I know has pulled away from me every time I've reached out to her." I puzzled. There is no way the lady I know is so eager for a wedding band.

"I couldn't believe it either, so I spoke with some of my more trusted contacts. They gave me the real story." Louis began. "Lady Arielle and Lord Denis were courting for a time when rumors of their future engagement began to circulate. Lord Denis was invited to tea at Lady Arielle's request, and according to a maid in Duchess Arielle's household, he was only there for ten minutes when a scream was heard from the drawing room where they were having tea." He paused and took a deep breath. "When Jeeves, the butler, get there, Lord Denis was forcing himself onto Lady Arielle. He was tossed from the home, and Lady Arielle moved away to recover." Louis finished speaking and looked me. "She's been hesitant to be alone with a man ever since."

I could feel my entire body go numb as he told me what he had found out. How could I have been so foolish? How could I not have noticed before? The way she pulled away from me when I caught her on our first date. The way she would turn from me when I reached for her. Her hesitation when she met me. It was all so clear now.

" far did-" I choked out.

"Not far, sire. He only managed to push her down and forcefully kiss her." Louis shook his head. "It was traumatic, however, she's been recovering."

"How did I not see this before?" I hung my head.

"Lady Arielle agreed not to press charges against Lord Denis as long as he stayed at least fifty feet away from her and never contacted her again. She is, to no one's surprise, a very generous lady."

I exhale. "I find myself quite uneasy that Lord Bartley's son is still free to roam." I can feel blood pumping through my body, and I clench and unclench my fists, ready to hit something.

"If I may speak freely," Louis spoke up.

"Yes," I nod.

"Lady Arielle is a kind and forgiving woman; after I delivered the invitation, she insisted I stay for tea. She is also very quiet about what transpired three years ago. I'm sure that if the incident was brought to light, it would only serve to embarrass her."

"I'm aware of that." I sigh in frustration. "How would you propose I handle this situation? I cannot call attention to his despicable actions without embarrassing her or opening her up to scrutiny. But, if I allow him to continue living without punishment, someone else might be hurt."

"Maybe calling a private audience with him to discuss his actions?"

"That would work! Louis, I would like you to send someone to Lord Bartley's estate with an invitation to come here in three days. I would also like to have Lady Arielle's advice on the subject before I deliver my final judgment on this matter." I nod. After a few days, my anger should subside at least slightly. Louis nods in agreement before leaving my office. Hopefully we can end this whole affair without hurting Lady Arielle any more than she already has been.

Arielle's POV

Two Days Later (Day of Dinner)

I have to admit, I was nervous. From the moment Louis offered the invitation to now as I sit across the table from Prince Edward. As I sit here casually talking to him, I find myself smiling and laughing naturally. He's easy to talk to, and I feel like he's the nicest man I've ever met. Wait. No. I can't do this. I can't let my guard down.

"That is probably the reason I quite enjoy Lang Leav's work." The prince smiled at me as he replied to my comment. "Although, I must admit I find Tyler Kent White's work to be just as significant in portraying the idea of openness and unadulterated rawness in a falling in love."

"That is true," I smile over my glass of water. We've been speaking since we sat down an hour ago. Now, our dinner is finished, and I can't find it in myself to leave. I'm not even sure his highness has thought about leaving.

"Lady Arielle," he says seriously. "I do hate to dampen the mood of our date, however, I would like your opinion on a personal matter."

This takes me by surprise, but I nod anyway. "Of course, your highness. I would be happy to aid you in any way I can."

"I thank you. Now, where to begin." He takes a deep breath before looking me in the eyes. "There has been a disturbing incident that I was only recently made aware of. There was a man who decided to take something that did not belong to him; he didn't succeed however. Normally I would simply give a warning, but he hurt someone in his vile attempt." He looks away and sighs. This must be a particularly painful subject for him.

"I mean no disrespect," I begin slowly, "but why would you need me to help you decide on the proper punishment? I have no special training in this."

"Of course," he nodded. "I find myself in a difficult situation because the person he hurt...was someone very dear to my heart. If I were to pass judgement, I don't know whether it would be fitting to the crime or," he shook his head and rubbed his jaw, "merely my own wrath being unleashed." He was silent for a moment as he turned his head to look out the window.

"Your highness, may I have permission to speak freely." I spoke softly and waited for him to nod before continuing. "Though I've known you for a short time, I believe you to be a man of great passion. You truly care about your kingdom and those close to you. I may not be very familiar with the exact situation you are thinking of, but I believe there is a time to punish and a time to forgive. I don't know how badly he hurt your friend, but this may be a time when you need ask only one person about their opinion." I take a deep breath. "If I were in your position, your majesty, I would ask my friend for their advice on the subject. In this case, only the victim knows how badly they were hurt."

He nodded slowly before looking me in the eye with a serious and grave expression. "Then, I ask you, Duchess Arielle, what would you find a suitable punishment for Lord Denis?"

I felt my heart stop. His gaze on mine wasunwavering, and I swear I could drown in his eyes. It took me a moment torealize I wasn't breathing as my blood ran cold. My worst fear came true. Heknew what happened three years ago, and now, he was toying with me. 

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