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Yoongi tapped on the table as he waited for the doberman who, no doubt was the one who gave him the note. She never came. Later the bear came to the room saying that the puppy had an allergic reaction to some food she had for breakfast and had to be moved. Curiosity ate at Yoongi as he went through another visit with the other boys, played with Jungkook, and just slept. What did she want? He kept asking himself.

That night, after being held down for more shots, he felt a discomfort in his chest. He wanted to be held, and petted, and he wanted attention. He mewed, making Jungkook jump, his nose twitching.

The next morning, the boys went to the cafeteria, to get some drinks. NamJoon had been cold to them the entire morning and he sat away from the other two. When they weren't looking, he slipped away into the bathroom. The others didn't think much about it until he came back in the room later, tears in his eyes.

"Joonie, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Jungkook bounced over to the cougar and hugged him.

"I-it hurts," he said faintly, "it hurts to breath," Yoongi leaned to grab the remote that would call the nurse, but he winced as the discomfort in his chest turned into a sharp stab. He meowed loudly, making Jungkook spin around. He pulled NamJoon to his bed, and Yoongi finally grabbed ahold of the remote and pressed the nurse button. A few seconds later, a nurse came running  accidentally slamming the door open. Jungkook covered his ears and cried out in pain. The nurse called for more help and they brought the boys to a different section of the floor. Yoongi caught a glimpse of the doberman writhing in her bed, and even after they passed, Yoongi could hear her heartbreaking howls.

They were put into separate rooms and Yoongi curled up on his side, shakily breathing as he listened to the other hybrids scream in pain. He heard a small conversation outside his door and slid out of his bed and put his ear to the door.

"This obviously isn't an allergic reaction. There is something in their blood that is making this painful. This isn't working, we need to stop the treatment." A doctor said.

"We can't just stop. We need to help them become hu... We need to go the leopard boy is acting up." He said as a roar ripped through the air, startling the kitten. Yoongi fell back onto his bottom and skittered background under his bed. He whined as his ears became sensitive and every sound amplified. The pain in his chest grew and black dotted his vision and soon he slipped into unconsciousness.

Jin picked up his cell phone and answered the call.


"We have a small problem with the treatment for your hybrid friends. Can you come to the hospital?" Jin felt tears spill over his cheeks.

"What happened? Are they ok?" He shouted at the phone.

"Look we can't tell you that. Just come to the hospital please." The line went dead and Jin stared at the phone.

"we heard yelling,  what is it?" Hoseok said. Jin just grabbed his shoes and motioned for the others to do the same. They called a taxi and rode to the hospital in silence, the three oblivious boys unsettled by Jin's tears. When they got to the hospital, Jin got out and ran to the building and Jimin caught on to what was going on. He took off running to catch up to Jin, who was busy signing in.

"Jin is something wrong with the boys? Are they hurt, tell me something!" Jin kept ignoring him as they took the elevator and turned the other way than they usually turn. A doctor waited for them.

"We are afraid a chemical in their blood is making this treatment ineffective and painful. Some doctors want to continue the treatment, but it is completely up to you." the doctor waved for them to follow her down the hall. She turned to a room, but no one was in there. Then Hoseok noticed the black tip of a tail under the bed.

"Yoongi!" The doctor nodded and opened the door.

"Mr. Min has refused to come out from under the bed. He says that the noise is too much." Jin just them noticed the pained noises of other hybrids and tears welled up in his eyes.  Hoseok rushed into the room and crouched next to the bed. Yoongi curled tighter into a ball when he saw people enter.

"Kitten, it's me, Hobi." Hoseok whispered, but, his voice echoed through his skull and made a strangled mew come from his chapped lips.

"Come here Yoongi, we are leaving this place." Hoseok tried again. Yoongi inched towards him and soon the cat was in his arms, covering his ears as Hoseok easily carried the small boy. Next they visited Jungkook, who was in bed with his hands clapped firmly over his ears, which quivered. His breathing was uneven, like he was about to pass out. Tae ran to him this time, wrapping his arms around the hybrid. Jungkook yelped and buried his face into Tae's neck. Tae picked him up, and they walked to NamJoon's room.

"He may be a little difficult to remove from this space." the doctor said as she turned the lock. Nam-Joon was in the corner, small growls rumbling from his throat. His eyes were vicious and filled with tears. Jin's heart broke when he saw the cougar.

"Joonie come on we are going home." Nam-Joon made no move to leave. Jin took a small step towards him and Nam-Joon tensed, but didn't move away. Jin kept coming towards him until he placed his hand on Nam-Joon's shaking arm and the cougar whimpered. Jin moved his hand down to Nam-Joon's and took it. Namjoon pulled back in protest, but after a gentle moment of persuasion from Jin, he agreed to go. Jin helped NamJoon stand up, but the boy sagged against jin, making him stumble. The boy whined again and they slowly made their way out of the hospital.

The boys got home and the hybrid were set in bed, they were all sensitive noise so the others crept quietly, getting hot washcloths, water, and painkillers for the hybrids, who lay in bed, feverish, scared and shaky. Tae snuck into the kitchen to grab something to eat and found Jimin with his head in his hands, sobbing.

"Chim chim, what's wrong?" Tae rubbed Jimin's back, his brow furrowed in concern.

"They are in pain! And we really can't do anything to help them! We trusted the hospital with them and it screwed up. What are we going to do?" Tae was about to try to comfort Jimin, but Jungkook cried out, so he quietly told Jimin to talk to him later. Jungkook was sweating and clutching at his shirt, trying to breath. Tae ran over and pulled the shirt off, to reveal a rash forming over his skin. Jungkook didn't scratch at it, but it was blistering and bleeding, making Jungkook cry and beg Tae to help him.

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