gOdDamN iT jOoStiN

285 18 3

Raegan: guys tell jOoStiN to stop taking the blanket
Tyler: then stop sleeping with MY BOYFRIEND.
Justin: Tyler be nice.
Raegan: no don't worry it's fine, Tyler I would sleep in my bed but Justin comes in to cuddle.
Justin: raegan that's a secret. Tyler I get sacred in the dark.
Tyler: it's fine as long as you guys don't do anything else.
Maya: oof. JOoStiN you in trouble.
Justin: what I do
Raegan: you know what you did🤦🏼‍♂️
Tyler: what did Justin do??
Mia: he ate all of raegan ice cream.
Tyler: don't worry raegan I'll buy you ice cream.
Raegan: thx Tyler
Justin: here I made you another cone gayass.
Raegan: I'm not gay. I'm bisexual but lean more towards girlsss
Justin: iM nOt gAy. iM BisExUaL
bUt lEaN mOrE tOwArdS gUyS
Raegan: goddamn it justin, that's not what I said, I said girlsss
Justin: Guysss
Raegan: girlss
Justin: I give up. You're still gayyy
Ryan:Justin why do you care so much if he's gay or not??
Tyler: shut up you rat.
Raegan: aye Tyler stop being mean all the goddamn time.
Tyler: fine I won't buy you ice cream.
Raegan: you wouldn't dare.
Tyler: but i do.
Raegan: fluff you then
Tyler: no thx, I have Justin
Raegan: not like that you dimwat. Ps jOoStiN got me ice cream. Oof
Ryan: oof am I gonna be ignored mk. Baii hoez

Ryan has left the chat

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