Chapter Six

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"So, how was the ride home with Hayden yesterday? I forgot to ask you because I went straight to sleep after practice." Scarlett says as soon as I enter her car.

"Well, hello to you too." I sarcastically say and buckle up.

"Was it awkward? Because I know you guys aren't friends or anything."

"It wasn't awkward at all, actually. He showed me this band and they have some nice music." I nod my head.

"What!?" Scarlett looks at me like I'm crazy.

"What?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"You listening to a band is the most craziest thing I've ever heard. Since when do you listen to bands?"

"Since last night." I chuckle.

"Ha, ha, ha." She narrows her eyes at me. "What's the band called? Maybe I've heard of them."

Scarlett puts the car in drive and we make our way to high school, also known as prison. This is my senior year in prison, so I've learned the ropes of the place. I know not to go down certain hallways without a pass because certain teachers will be waiting to write me up. I know not to go in the office without my school ID because the superintendent will give me an ID referral. I know to pick a locker closer to the door in the locker room to get out much faster because the gym hallway is always crowded. Yeah, I can officially say I'm a pro at surviving high school; I've made it this far, so I must've learned something.

"The 1975." I shrug my shoulders. "Weird name. I wonder why they chose to call themselves The 1975."

"I've heard of them before! One of my friends who does theater listens to them. She told me about them, but I never took the time to listen to them." Scarlett explains. Scarlett has way too many friends for me, but it's a good thing I'm her best friend.

"You should, they're good. And that's saying a lot coming from a person who doesn't even listen to bands." I laugh.

"I guess you're right."

Even though I listened to the full album last night, I didn't want to give Hayden his CD back just yet. Part of me likes the fact that he even trusted me with his CD in the first place. The other half of me thinks he was just trying to keep the conversation going, so he handed me the CD out of pure courtesy. I didn't bring the album with me to school today, I'll just tell him that I left it at home. I won't mind listening to it once more before I hand it over back to him.

"So, I was thinking about having a couple of people over this weekend." Scarlett says as she turns a corner.

"Again? Girl, you be having too much company."

"You can never have too much company. Being around people is good for the soul." She points at me.

"When are you thinking about having this little get together?" I air quote my last few words.

"Maybe Friday or Saturday. I don't know yet."

"Who all are you gonna invite?" I raise my eyebrows. Translation: Are you going to invite Hayden's fine ass? Sabrina can stay home, though.

"Just you, Hayden, Dustin, Sabrina, and Becca."

"I guess that is just a couple of people." I nod my head. "Cuz normally you invite more people than necessary."

"That's not true."

"Yes, it is."


I think I look forward to Spanish class the most because that's the class I have with Hayden. He sits on the other side of the classroom, so there's absolutely no way I can embarrass myself in front of him—unless I get caught staring, then that will really be embarrassing.

My mood is instantly dampened when I notice that it's one minute until the tardy bell rings and I don't see Hayden in his seat. Why isn't he here today? I picked a perfectly good outfit for nothing because he's not here to see it. Not that he would be looking at me anyway because he has a girlfriend and that would be completely wrong.

Throughout Spanish class, I'm in a bad mood and don't participate much.

Then, Hayden walks through the door when there's five minutes of class left and my mood brightens. It's amazing how much a guy can affect your mood, it really is. I barely know the guy, yet I know that I'm into him and that I cannot stop thinking about him. I know that he's taken and I'm completely out of his league. No, I'm not some insecure teenage girl, but I do know that Hayden is completely smitten with his girlfriend—from what Scarlett tells me. I would never act on anything because he has a girlfriend. However, I don't think it's a crime to admire his beauty from afar.

When the bell rings, I take my time packing up my things and I see Hayden doing the same thing from my peripheral vision. I pretend like I don't see him as I walk towards the door. I'm one of the last people out because everyone else already left.

"Kelly." I hear him say my name and turn my head around as I walk out the door.

I knew he was right there. I just wanted him to say something to me first.

"Hayden, hey!" I smile.

"Listen to the CD yet?" He asks, raising his eyebrows.

"Actually yeah, I did. I think it's pretty good." I nod my head.

"Really? I'm glad you like it. Maybe I can show you another band sometime." His eyes gaze into mine for a few seconds. I can tell this is a topic he really likes to talk about. I wonder if anyone's ever told him how his eyes light up when he talks about bands.

"Yeah, maybe."

"So, what's your favorite song so far?"

I know he has lunch next, but I can clearly see that he's going to keep the conversation going and walk me to class. Maybe I'm just reading too far into things. Maybe he really just wants to be my friend because I know damn well he doesn't like me in that way. It's too soon for that. Honestly, it's too soon for me to like him too. It's also highly wrong for either one of us to like each other. I'm just attracted to him and the idea of getting to know him. I can't say I like him until I've come to know him.

"I really like Heart Out. It's a good song."

"That is a good song!" He clicks his fingers. "You know, I'm glad I know somebody who likes them. Sabrina doesn't like bands that much."

All I can think about is why he is comparing me to his girlfriend.

"Yeah." I nod my head. "I forgot to bring your CD to you today, but I'll bring it to you tomorrow."

"No worries, I told you you can keep it for as long as you want." He waves me off.

I'm a little upset when we reach my next class because I don't want the conversation to end.

"Alright, if you say so." I chuckle. "Well, this is my class so I guess I'll see you later."

"Alright, see ya." He says.

As I'm about to walk through the door he says, "wait."

I turn around and eye him. He's so handsome, I just can't get over the fact.

"Scarlett has practice again, doesn't she?" He raises his eyebrows.

I think I know what he's hinting at.

"Yeah, cheerleaders have practice everyday after school."

"Did you need a ride home again? I don't mind." He smiles.

"Uh yeah, thanks." I smile back.

"Alright, see you later—for real this time." He laughs and walks off.

And wow, I just love how I can talk to him like I've known him for a long time. It's just that easy.

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