Goodbye Charlie and Sweet Revenge

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“Come on little one, we’re here. Time to wake up.” I felt someone stroking my hair slightly and smiled, liking that Demetri was waking me up so kindly though it raised some questions for me. “I shall take you home first, it is early, your father will be going to work, correct?” I nodded as he helped me off the jet, making sure I didn’t fall. The drive was comfortable, he had rented an escalade since it had plenty of room for my stuff and drove at a normal human speed as to not get pulled over.

“Demetri, can I ask you a question?”

“Of course little one, ask away.” He smiled as we passed the ‘Welcome to Forks’ sign.

“Are you nice to me because I’m your master’s mate, or is it because you genuinely like me?” He seemed surprised by my question as he took a sharp left.

“You are my masters mate, that demands my respect and courtesy, however if I didn’t like you we wouldn’t be having conversation, we would simply sit in silence.” I nodded in understanding.

“Oh. I’ve never had friends before, only my sister but that changed when we got to high school. I guess it’s just strange that I get a mate and a friend all in one week…2 friends, Jane is my friend too.” He chuckled at my excitement.

“And my mate, she wishes to be your friend. Alec likes you as well as Felix. You have many friends mi cara, you don’t need your sister or her sorry excuses for vampires.” I grinned as he said that and leaned over, hugging him. It was an awkward angle but I didn’t care, I was happy. “Alright. We are here. Let us pack your things.” I nodded, grabbing the papers I ‘needed dad to sign’ and hopped out, walking in the front door, seeing dad getting ready for work.

“Hi daddy.” He looked up at me shocked but came to hug me none the less.

“I thought you were at Jessica’s with Bella for the night.” I looked at him confused.

“No, Bella left me in Italy. I applied to a college while I was down there and ended up running into one of the deans. He got me into the school on a scholarship dad! All expenses paid!” I got excited, handing him the papers. His face lit up as he read over it and he hugged me tightly to his chest.

“Shadow! I’m So Proud Of You!” He yelled, lifting me up and twirling me around the room making me giggle. “Oh my god.” He continued reading and his smile was amazing to me, you rarely saw it on my dad. “You start on Monday, Shad, you need to get packing! I’ll call in sick and help you-“

“No dad. It’s alright, I met Demetri on campus, he volunteered to help me since it’s such short notice. Demetri, this is my dad.”

“Nice to meet you sir.” They shook hands and my father smiled at him.

“You’ll watch over my daughter while she’s in Italy, right son?” He nodded.

“Of course sir, no harm will come to her, you have my word. I’ll bring her by the station when we’re done so that she can say ‘goodbye’.”

“Good man. Now what’s this about Bella leaving you in Italy?” Dad asked, I could tell he was quite pissed off about it.

“Yeah, I was supposed to come back with the Cullen’s however I was talking to some people and they left me on campus. Bella was jealous…that I got into the school and she got an attitude with me but I never dreamed she would leave me behind.” I had to stop myself from saying she was jealous that I was mated to a vampire king but I knew the more I talked the more trouble Bella would be in, and I wasn’t even done. Think of this as payback for all the times she’s gotten me in trouble for things she’s done at school or with mom.

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