Jealous Kiss

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Taron had been your best friend since you were little kids. When he started acting you thought that it would be great to see your best friend on the big screen. Little did you know you wouldn't see him much when he was shooting and then promoting the movie.
You always missed his company when he was away.
Deep down, you always had strong feelings for Taron but you knew that there would be no way that he'd share those feelings now he's been in movies with some of Hollywoods biggest stars.
He'd have all the beautiful actresses wanting to go out with him and you know you'd always play second fiddle to them.
You had recieved a text off Taron asking you to meet up with him at the pub you always hung out at with each other when he was between films.
As soon as Taron saw you walk through the door, he came up to you and hugged you.
"Hey Y/N! It feels like it's been forever since I last saw you."
"Oh you know, it's only been a couple of months," You laughed.
"And it looks like it's going to be a few more months until we can hang out again." Taron explained dissapointed.
"Another movie?" You asked.
"Yeah, but that's why I asked you to meet me here."
Taron put his hand on your back and escorted you to the booth he had gotten for the both of you.
You sat down and as soon as Taron sat opposite you, you gave him a worried look.
Taron laughed, "Don't look so worried, Y/N! It's nothing bad."
You let out the breath you didn't know you were holding in.
"I want to ask you to come with me for a couple of weeks while I'm shooting. I know you've got some leave wracked up at work and thought you'd like to come and hang out with me. What do you think?"
Your eyes lit up when he asked you. There's no way you'd pass up an opportunity like this. Taron would be on set for hours on end though. But at the end of his shooting day you'd be there and you'd get to see him.
"Of course I will!" You exclaimed, reaching over the table to hug him.
Taron smiled at you and said, "Great! It'll be good to have you there with me."
You couldn't wipe the smile off of your face all throughout lunch.
After lunch, Taron walked you home, gave you a bear hug and kissed you on the cheek.
Once you got inside your appartment, you contacted your boss to let her know that you wanted to take a couple of weeks of work. She had no problem with that as she knew you worked hard and needed a vacation.

A couple of days later, you were on your way with Taron to his latest filming location.
You were in awe once you saw the sets.
Taron couldn't help but smile at you when you stopped to look at almost all of the sets.
"You like it?" He asked.
"Taron, it's amazing! I can't believe you get to be on these sets!"
Taron laughed and replied, "Maybe one day you could do it to Y/N."
"Would I get to be in a scene with you?"
"If you played your cards right." He promised as he winked at you.
That wink of his would always make your heart flutter. It was lame you knew, but it did.

A couple of days later Taron was on set filming. He bought you to set with him as he knew he was in for a long day and didn't want you to get bored in his trailor.
While he was taking a break from filming, he looked over to you and noticed that one of the extras was talking to you. He smiled, glad to see that you were getting along with people on set. His smile faded though once he noticed that the extra was getting flirty with you.
He didn't like the sight of another guy flirting with you.
You were his girl! Only he was meant to be flirting with you.
Okay, maybe you werent his girl... Yet!
Taron just hadn't found the right time to ask you to be his but seeing that other guy talking and flirting with you, made him realise that he didn't just want to be your best friend! He wanted you to be his!
The longer he watched you two flirt, the more jealous he got.
He'd had enough!
He went over to the two of you and interupted your conversation.
"Hey Y/N. Can I talk to you for a moment?"
You appologised to the guy you were talking to and started to follow Taron.
"Taron, wh-"
Taron cut you off by grabbing you and started to kiss you passionately.
You started to lean into the kiss, then remembered who you were kissing and pushed him off to look into his blue/green eyes shocked.
"Y/N, let me explain! I hated seeing that guy flirt with you. You're meant to be flirting with me!"
"Taron, are you jealous?"
"Of course I am Y/N! Have you not guessed how I feel about you? It kills me when I'm away shooting and you're not there with me. I miss you every day!"
He put his hands on your face, slowly pulled you closer to him and softly put his lips against yours once again.
You leant into his kiss, letting him entangle his tongue with yours.
You had been waiting for this moment for so long!
Your hands went into his hair and you felt Taron moan against your lips. You couldnt help but smile against his.
You briefley stopped the kiss.
"Maybe I should make you jealous more often." You laughed.
"Oh no you won't! Because from now on you're my girl and you're only to flirt with me now . Understand?"
"Your jealous kiss said it all." You answered.
Taron smiled at you and started kissing you again.
He couldn't believe how lucky he was to finally have you as his girl.

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